
Comic Book: Thanos Quest

What This Book is About:
2-issue mini-series in which Thanos gets hold of the 6 Infinity Gems, which he will later use in the Infinity Gauntlet event.

Data Sheet:
Sep 1990 to Oct 1990

Characters most frequently found in this comic book:
In order of appearances.

Plus: Champion, In-Betweener, Lord Chaos, Master Order, Runner.
Thanos Quest #1
Thanos Quest #1

(Sep 1990)

Comics Index

Total Indexed Comics: 2

Comics sorted by date. Oldest shown first. Up to 25 comics per page. Page navigator at the bottom of the page.

Thanos Quest #1
4 stars

Thanos Quest #1

September 1990
"Part 1: Schemes and dreams"
Script: Jim Starlin
Thanos is staring into Death's Infinity Well for inspiration again (see Silver Surfer #38), and her minion Ratter comes demanding to know why he hasn't fulfilled her command to kill half the population of the Universe yet (see SS#35). [...]
Thanos Quest #2
4 stars

Thanos Quest #2

October 1990
"Part 2: Games and prizes"
Script: Jim Starlin
In Silver Surfer #35 Death sent Thanos back to life with a mission, to restore the cosmic balance by killing half the life in the universe. Last issue he proposed a quicker way of achieving the aim by collecting the 6 Soul Gems. [...]