Hulk Comics Library

Spotlight Book: Incredible Hulk (2023 series)

Incredible Hulk #22
(April 2025)

A young couple is speeding down a highway in a convertible when the car is hit by a flying werewolf. It flips over and bursts into flames. The girl sees that the guy is dead then she sees the wolf on the other side…. Charlie Tidwell is woken by Hulk’s snoring in the cabin they have borrowed. She finds a plastic star, like one from the girl’s phone, and steps into the bathroom where [...]

Previous Issues

Incredible Hulk #21
Incredible Hulk #20

Hulk statue

Family of Characters

Besides Hulk, this page lists Marvel comic books featuring the following characters:

Bruce Banner
Bruce Banner
Doc Green
Doc Green
Gray Hulk
Gray Hulk
Amadeus Cho
Savage She-Hulk

Plus: Professor Hulk (Hulk), Red Hulk (Thunderbolt Ross), Red She-Hulk (Betty Ross), She-Hulk (Jennifer Walters), Skaar.

Disclaimer: we indexed thousands of Marvel comics in the Marvel Heroes Library database, but some may still be missing. We fill the blanks continuously, though. Check back often for updates.

Main Books

Most important Hulk comic books (in alphabetical order):  

By date, oldest first, showing 1st issue covers. Click cover to see all the appearances of the character in that book.

Tales to Astonish (1959 series)
Tales to Astonish
The Incredible Hulk (1962 series)
The Incredible Hulk
The Incredible Hulk (1968 series)
The Incredible Hulk
Incredible Hulk (1999 series)
Incredible Hulk
Hulk (2008 series)
Incredible Hulk (2009 series)
Incredible Hulk
Incredible Hulks
Incredible Hulks
Incredible Hulk (2011 series)
Incredible Hulk
Indestructible Hulk
Indestructible Hulk
Hulk (2014 series)
Totally Awesome Hulk
Totally Awesome Hulk
Incredible Hulk (2017 series)
Incredible Hulk
Immortal Hulk
Immortal Hulk
Hulk (2021 series)
Incredible Hulk (2023 series)
Incredible Hulk
Incredible Hulk Annual (2024 series)
Incredible Hulk Annual

Secondary Books

Not main but somewhat notorious books like group affiliations and one-shots (in alphabetical order):  

12 book samples, showing 1st issue covers. Click cover to see all the appearances of the character in that book.

Avengers (2017 series)
Avengers Classic
Avengers Classic
Avengers: No road home
Avengers: No road home
Champions (2016 series)
Defenders: The Best Defense
Defenders: The Best Defense
Fall of the Hulks: Alpha (2010 series)
Fall of the Hulks: Alpha
Fall of the Hulks: Gamma (2010 series)
Fall of the Hulks: Gamma
Fall of the Hulks: Red Hulk (2010 series)
Fall of the Hulks: Red Hulk
Fear Itself: Hulk vs. Dracula
Fear Itself: Hulk vs. Dracula
Free Comic Book Day 2007 (Marvel Adventures)
Free Comic Book Day 2007 (Marvel Adventures)
Free Comic Book Day 2021 Avengers/Hulk
Free Comic Book Day 2021 Avengers/Hulk
Generations: Banner Hulk and the Totally Awesome Hulk (2017 series)
Generations: Banner Hulk and the Totally Awesome Hulk

All Comic Book Appearances!

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Version 14.8.61 (Mar 14, 2025 - VS22)

Copyright © 1997-2025 Julio Molina-Muscara (creator, webmaster)
Site content is a collective effort by the MHL team and Marvel aficionados

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