News and commentaries about Marvel characters, comics, movies, TV series, collectibles, artwork, creators and more!
Before *Avengers: Doomsday* and *Avengers: Secret Wars*, where the Avengers fight Robert Downey Jr.’s Doctor Doom, Marvel’s One World Under Doom will unite Earth’s Mightiest Heroes with some villains. Marvel Comics’ nine-issue collection will be written by Ryan North and illustrated by RB Silva. [...]
A Battle Between Galactus and Khonshu Shows Who is Undeniably the Mightiest of These TwoThe Marvel Universe boasts hundreds of immensely powerful characters, including cosmic entities and deities who rank highest in the power hierarchy. [...]
Gwen Stacy, beauty queen of Standard High School, was Peter Parker's (alias Spider-Man) first great love. This blonde girl of perfect features and eyebrows only permanent makeup could reproduce in real life, graced the pages of Amazing Spider-Man in the late 60s and early 70s. Introduced by artist Steve Ditko, Gil Kane portrayed Gwendolyn too, but she shined best when John Romita Sr. [...]
WHAT IF. Which Marvel heroes, villains and regular citizens would be affected by coronavirus if this dreadful virus were to contaminate the Marvel Universe?Below is a list of ten characters, and their likeliness of developing COVID-19, or not. [...]
In yesteryear, when the Hulk was a savage man-brute, the world usually responded to his might with distrust, fists, and weapons. He wanted to be left alone, yet his enemies, mainly the Armed Forces, pursued him endlessly in a vicious circle that brought more destruction than solutions. Hatred surrounded the Hulk, slowly caging him in a dark pit of solitude. [...]
As usual, the Avengers: Infinity War film is based on events in the Marvel (Comics) Universe. One of the top villains in the Marvel Universe is the big bad Thanos. I'll lay out here an overview of his life, illustrated by some key issues we have in our database, and show where this film and some of its characters sprang from. [...]
Sadly, actor Chris Evans, who plays Steve Rogers / Captain America in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) movies, will no longer reprise the role of the WWII hero and Avengers leader after the 2019 Avengers 4 movie. In an interview with the New York Times, Chris Evans even said that he has no plans to return to the franchise (except for retakes that may happen this fall). [...]
Thanos will be the most powerful enemy the Avengers have ever met when the Infinity War film debuts in theatres worldwide, on April 27, 2018.Yes. The "Mad Titan" - as he is called, is so mighty that not even Thor or Hulk could take him out single-handedly.No... Defeating Thanos requires the whole Avengers team, and more... [...]
The March 2018 edition of Entertainment Weekly (EW) has the Avengers: Infinity War movie on its cover. But not just on one cover, on FIFTEEN of them...The US film, TV and music magazine depict the upcoming mega event magnificently.The fifteen covers showcase 23 characters in total: twenty-two super heroes and one villain, Thanos. [...]
The cover of The Amazing Spider-Man #100 (dated September 1971) reads: "The Wildest Shock-Ending of All Time!" Fast forward almost 47 years: not wild, not an end, but still truly shocking!As John Freeman posts in his comics blog, the original artwork of the cover from that iconic Spider-Man issue sold for $478,000 US dollars on February 23, 2018. [...]
I am Groot, and you can be Thor, Rocket or Groot, too.As informed by @mcucollector24 on his Instagram page, Toys R Us is releasing three EXCLUSIVE action figures from the 2018 Avengers: Infinity War movie! Eye-patched Thor Odinson with Bifrost sword; gunslinger Rocket (Raccoon) with two pistols and a ray shotgun; or tablet-addicted teen Groot. [...]
In the Kung Fu Panda film, wise Oogway told master Shifu, regarding to the so-called "bad" news, "There is just news. There is no good or bad."But the old martial arts expert may find an exception to that sympathetic rule with Toys R Us.At least I do.The giant toy retailer filed for Chapter 11 on Monday, September 18, 2017. [...]
Unfortunately, writer Len Wein has passed away. One of his main achievements in comics was co-creating the Wolverine. Wolverine debuted in the pages of Incredible Hulk #181 (with a short cameo in #180). Len was the scribe of hundreds of comics, including some favorites of mine like Incredible Hulk #210, where the green Goliath battles an axe-wielding powerhouse called Mongu. [...]
Invitation cards are looking more heroic than ever with the new Marvel Online Invitation Collection by our friends at, the leading online invitation platform.You can create invitations featuring Spider-Man, Hulk, Thor, Iron Man, and other Marvel characters on any device and send them online, for free via email or social media. [...]
What is the price of becoming Wolverine? Well, if we could turn into him, that is. Let's do some numbers... Back in the early 70s, when the now hugely popular member of the X-Men made his humble debut in the very last page of Incredible Hulk #180, the cost for his Adamantium skeleton was about $5.5 million (USD). Today, considering inflation, that same skeleton would cost closer to 24 million! [...]
Patrick Blaine's dream was to become a comic book artist for a living. And he made it. His artist credits include works for DC Comics and Top Cow.But a few years ago, his dream developed into something a little more challenging yet not less interesting. He wanted to paint comics, not just draw them. [...]
Perhaps ignited by the "nothing finally happened" December 21, 2012 Mayan-End-of-the-World event, people went back to their religious roots and established a closer relationship with their beliefs. Gods are the new trend. [...]
'Tis I say to thee, Midgardians, hear All-Wise Odin!Those who call thyselves the Marvel, and brought us, the Asgardians Gods, back from the void of legends, have produced images of us for 50 and so years. Images in my likeness, and in the likeness of such as Thor and Loki, appear in literature called "comics", although humor is not all thou can find in them. [...]
Hear all-wise Odin! The end of times hath already come! And gone...'Tis not the same Midgard as it used to be.Eons ago, the sun and the moon were different. Thy names were Sol and Mani. They were not as fair as those thou see in Midgard skies today.Hear me! 'Tis not without sacrifice I speak to thee!On those old Midgard days, near the end, Demon Wolves chased the star and moon. [...]
The first Hulk comic came out in 1962. That was 50+ years ago.Anyone following the Hulk knows that a LOT changed for Ol' Greenskin in that time.And the cost of being Bruce Banner / the Hulk is no exception. Enter inflation, the inescapable characteristic of any currency. Inflation is how much a currency loses its value over time. [...]
In the year 2000, Herb Trimpe wrote an article for the New York Times where he explained how he got laid off by Marvel circa at the end of the last century after working for the House of Ideas for almost three decades. A newspaper published the article on January 9, 2000. [...]