Captain America: Rebirth #1: Review

Aug 2011
Karl Kesel, Karl Kesel

Story Name:

(No title given)

Review & Comments

3.5 stars

Captain America: Rebirth #1 Review by (June 1, 2015)
Comments: The flashback sequences are reprinted (with new color art by Matt Milla and Tom Smith) from TALES OF SUSPENSE #63, #65-68. Issue includes a cover gallery for the ToS issues, also recolored. Issue is not related to the CAPTAIN AMERICA: REBORN (2009) event which brought Cap back from his highly publicized death.

Review: Mostly reprint issues make no sense in this era when a multitude of comics are so readily available in trades and in digital form, especially classic issues such as these. That said, the framing device (the only new material) is quite nice, showing Cap’s concern for justice for the forgotten little people and his deep sense of humanity. The new colors give a slightly more realistic feel to Kirby’s original art, too. Biggest quibble: Why is it called “Rebirth?” No one is reborn, it just reprints Cap’s origin.


Synopsis / Summary / Plot

Captain America: Rebirth #1 Synopsis by Peter Silvestro

Captain America has a late-night meeting at the National World War II Memorial in Washington. A teen girl named Shauna Kilroy contacted Cap via the Avengers to ask for information on her great-grandfather. Cap has brought top-secret files for her to look at. She learns of Cap’s origin and discovers her great-grandfather “Fitz” Kilroy was one of the guiding forces in the Super-Soldier project. She reads of the Red Skull and his origin and how Fitz was a target for assassination by the brainwashed Captain America. It turns out Shauna’s biggest concern is that Fitz was known as a crackpot inventor whose ideas never worked out. He vanished as part of the Philadelphia Experiment in 1943, but Cap assures her that his one amazing idea that was successful (the Super-Soldier) saved many lives.

Karl Kesel
Karl Kesel
Chris Sotomayor
Lee Garbett (Cover Penciler)
Mark Pennington (Cover Inker)
Paul Mounts (Cover Colorist)


Listed in Alphabetical Order.

> Captain America: Rebirth: Book info and issue index

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