The Red Hulk, followed by A-Bomb (Rick Jones) infiltrate a secret base where the Intelligencia keeps their best weapon: The Cosmic Hulk. But when Red tries to destroy it, the robot siphons his energy and activates itself; Red and A-Bomb try in vain to stop the powerful cosmic vessel (created by Galactus), which in turn defeats them rather easily, and flies away.
Happy with the outcome, the
Leader and
M.O.D.O.K. (who watched the incident remotely), explain to Red Hulk that he fell in their trap, and how valuable he is even as a traitor. Red and A-Bomb verily escape as the base is destroyed.
Back at the cave lab, and looking for a way to oppose the Intelligencia's might, the Red Hulk suggests Bruce Banner to contact Lyra, the new She-Hulk, informing him that she IS his daughter (or Hulk's and Thundra's).