Curse Of Rune #3

Jul 1995
Chris Ulm, Kyle Hotz

Story Name:

The spoils


Curse Of Rune #3 synopsis by Rob Johnson
Rating: 4 stars
Last issue on the island of Mytos Gemini plucked the Soul Gem from his foe Rune's brow. But that was what the vampire wanted because the Gem and Rune had been at odds, each refusing to serve the other, and their body was dying. But now Rune's body restores itself as he gloats over Gemini's fate. And he intends now to find the other 5 Infinity Gems which were stolen from him (by Silver Surfer in their joint 1-shot), and use them to become master of the universe. But 1st he must make Gemini+Soul Gem his slave.

We now see Gemini in Soul World within the Soul Gem split into the twins Erik Johnson and Noel Robinson, but Erik still has the Gemini armour. They are confronted by a being who looks like a cross between Rune and Adam Warlock, the usual bearer of the Gem. He says that their minds will be broken, then 1 will die and the other will be his slave.

Erik finds himself in the bedroom of his (dead) girlfriend Markie. He's just glad she's alive. But Noel 'kills' her with a blast and tries to persuade his brother she was a fake. But Erik just gets angry.

Last issue Shuriken was heading by Aladdin helicopter to Mytos on Gemini and Rune's trail. Now she's here (but seems to have crashed the chopper). The Aladdin AI GENIE is complaining in her ear that she disobeyed orders by leaving behind her armed escort. She discovers a fresh grave (which we know belongs to Markie), and heads off to capture Gemini. GENIE reminds her that success will mean that Aladdin will devote more resources to curing her child (which is the hold they have over her). But she 'accidentally' breaks the comm link.

Suddenly she's startled by a white rat and hurls 1 of the throwing stars she's named after which pins it's tail. And she gets the feeling it's been watching her. Then we see the body of Gemini's 'pal' Janus lying on the ground with the rat's-eye view of her in *his* eye. (The rat is Alexander, mystic Janus' familiar.)

Elsewhere on the isle Rune is encouraging Gemini to weaken himself by fighting the Soul Gem, making him more vulnerable to Rune's control. But the youth's body emits a blast of energy which damages the vampire.

Back in Soul World Erik is pursuing Noel through a scene of corpses and blood. Erik blames him for everything. If they hadn't met (in Rune #1-5) then he wouldn't have become a monster and Markie would still be alive. Noel protests that they are 2 halves of the same soul and they have to work together. The Soul Gem whispers to Erik that his brother is only trying to confuse him. And Erik leaps on Joel and kills him. The Gem now tells him that he must also kill his other enemy, Rune, whose bite (in Rune #5) actually turned him into a monster.

Now he returns to his real body and attacks his 'father' Rune. But the vamp easily throws him off and accuses him of clinging to his humanity which makes him unworthy of the power he gave him. But because Erik's his 'son' he'll give him a painless death. However Erik isn't beaten yet and takes Rune into the sky where he starts to tear him apart.

Meanwhile Shuriken has found Janus and pinned him to she ground by his sleeves with shuriken(s). He introduces himself and says he knows she's Shuriken and works for Aladdin. She demands to know where Gemini is and he points to the sky. But at that point the 2 combatants crash to the ground nearby causing a crater. They see Gemini vampire-bite Rune, sucking *his* blood and power. But then, over the Soul Gem's protests, he says that dying would be too easy for Rune. And he opens a portal and throws his 'father' through it. Janus curses that he's lost track of Rune again, and magics himself and Alexander away to start his search again.

The Soul Gem demands that Erik bring Rune back, but he's exhausted and he relinquishes control of Gemini to Noel. And it seems the Gem has no power over *this* twin, who plucks it from his brow and throws it out to sea. Shuriken says she's here to take him to Aladdin. But Noel says he's not going back to the organisation that has been controlling him and Erik since before they were born. This strikes a chord with Brittany Chien, partly because of her son, she decides to tell Aladdin she couldn't catch him.

We see the Soul Gem fall into the depths and then seem to fall through the bottom of the sea and into the hands of Loki. It senses that he has the other Infinity Gems, and considers him a suitable host.


Review / Commentaries

Curse Of Rune #3 Review by (August 24, 2024)
The colour credits for this issue are complicated as usual for Malibu. Colour design Shannmon Blanchard. Computer Colour Prism Riot & Andy Walton.

There's a lot of backstory to this issue, only a bit of which I've covered before.

Since gaining the Infinity Gems (in the Rune/Silver Surfer 1-shot) and losing all but the Soul Gem Rune has returned to Ultraverse Earth for the Curse Of Rune mini-series which continues the conflict between Rune and his 'son' Gemini.

Rune #0-5 told how General Rayder discovered alien remains and the US Government set up the Aladdin organisation to study them with Rayder in charge. With the help of the bio-AI GENIE they discovered cosmic Shu-Ji energy which could only be safely used by twins. So they created such twins incorporating alien DNA and had them separately fostered by bio-constructs as Erik Johnson and Noel Robinson. When they met they merged as Gemini. But Rune sensed the Shu-Ji power and stole it from them. However he couldn't contain it so he returned it, tainted with his own power .

Gemini returned in Rune #8-9 where we learned that when Joel is in charge Gemini is peaceful, but Erik has been turned feral and Rune-like. Joined by a mystery mystical man Janus they hunted for Rune and they all got involved in the rebirth of the God Argus on the island of Mytos. Argus opened a portal to Vahdala on the Godwheel and Rune followed him. This led to the Godwheel mini-series which ended with Rune following Thor to Earth-616 and Rune/Silver Surfer, and then back to Ultra-Earth with the Soul Gem in the current series.

Rune and the Soul Gem battled for control of their joint body, and the Gem came out on top. In #2 Aladdin/GENIE sent Shuriken to capture Gemini and kill Rune. Gemini found Rune almost dead and took the Soul Gem from him. But that was what Rune wanted.

Janus has been hunting Rune for his own mysterious reasons since Rune #6 (and allegedly for centuries before that). But this is his last app. Black September is imminent, and he won't be included in the altered Ultraverse that follows that,

Shuriken has been an agent of Aladdin from her 1st teaser app in Ultraforce #6, segueing straight into this series. She's working for them only because they promise to cure her young son of the Theta virus. Next issue she'll get involved in the rebirth of Adam Warlock.

Loki has been collecting the Infinity Gems through issues of various Ultraverse titles. It suggests here that the Soul Gem completes the set, and in his next apps in Hardcase #26 and Ultraforce #10 he does have them all. But I don't know where he gets the Space Gem from.

We'll learn next issue that Rune has been sent to the Negative Zone where he'll face Annihilus.

> Curse Of Rune comic book info and issue index


Excelsioring your collection:
Holy smokes, Batman!
(The Boy Wonder)

Kyle Hotz
Kyle Hotz
Kyle Hotz (Cover Penciler)
Kyle Hotz (Cover Inker)
George Cox (Cover Colorist)
Additional Credits
Letterer: Clem Robins.
Editor: Roland Mann.


Listed in Alphabetical Order.


(Loki Laufeyson)

Plus: Gemini, Janus, Rune, Shuriken.

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