Comic Book: Avengers (2017 series)

The Marvel Legacy Avengers title starting with #672

Data Sheet:
Dec 2017 to Jun 2018

Characters most frequently found in this comic book:
In order of appearances.


(Sam Wilson)


(Jane Foster)
Avengers #672
Avengers #672

(Dec 2017)

Comics Index

Indexed Comics: 19

Comics sorted by cover date. Oldest shown first. Up to 25 comics per page. Page navigator at the bottom of the page.

Avengers #672
Avengers #672
4 stars

Avengers #672

December 2017
"Worlds collide: part 1"
Script: Mark Waid
The opening page has Spider-Man (Peter Parker) of the Avengers blurring into Spidey (Miles Morales) of the Champions, and they both seem to be saying that someone powerful is coming and the Earth is doomed. I don't think they're talking about what happens in the rest of this issue. [...]
Avengers #673
Avengers #673
4 stars

Avengers #673

January 2018
"Worlds collide: part 3"
Script: Mark Waid
Continued from CHAMPIONS #13.In that issue an emissary from the High Evolutionary used vibrations to prepare Earth for 'Ascension'. Falcon and Viv Vision were the 1st affected and suddenly found themselves on Counter-Earth where they were attacked by Ani-Men (evolved animals) riding small dinosaurs. [...]
Avengers #674
Avengers #674
4 stars

Avengers #674

February 2018
"Worlds collide: part 5"
Script: Mark Waid
Continued from CHAMPIONS #14.The Avengers and Champions are on Counter-Earth trying to stop the collision between that planet and Earth organised by the High Evolutionary. [...]
Avengers #675
Avengers #675
4 stars

Avengers #675

March 2018
"No surrender: part 1"
Script: Mark Waid
In a lonely garage in Texas Miguel Santos is playing poker with some guys he's just bought a stolen car from. Their boss walks in and recognises him as Living Lightning. The undercover superhero says it's just Lightning now (to avoid confusion with criminal Living Laser) as he turns electric. [...]
Avengers #676
Avengers #676
4 stars

Avengers #676

March 2018
"No surrender: part 2"
Script: Mark Waid
Last issue the world was spirited away from its orbit (we don't yet where it's arrived at) which caused major problems like earthquakes and erupting volcanoes. 1 casualty was Avengers' butler Edwin Jarvis. [...]
Avengers #677
Avengers #677
4 stars

Avengers #677

March 2018
"No surrender: part 3"
Script: Mark Waid
The Earth was stolen by person or persons unknown, and the Avengers are investigating. But last issue they were gathered in Avengers Mansion when Corvus Glaive and Proxima Midnight of the Black Order blew it up.We go back a few seconds as Quicksilver detects what's happening. [...]
Avengers #678
Avengers #678
4 stars

Avengers #678

March 2018
"No surrender: part 4"
Script: Mark Waid
Earth has been stolen by Grandmaster and an unrevealed opponent to provide a battleground for a contest between the alien Black Order on 1 side and a new alien Lethal Legion on the other. [...]
Avengers #679
Avengers #679
4 stars

Avengers #679

April 2018
"No surrender: part 5"
Script: Mark Waid
The Earth has been abducted to act as a board for a game, and all superbeings but a large group of Avengers have been 'frozen'. However these Avengers aren't the players or even the game pieces. They are merely 'obstacles' to be overcome by 2 teams of aliens. [...]
Avengers #680
Avengers #680
4 stars

Avengers #680

April 2018
"No surrender: part 6"
Script: Mark Waid
Grandmaster and Challenger have stolen the Earth to use as a gameboard. They have put most of the Earth's superbeings into stasis apart from a large group of Avengers to function as obstacles on the board to be overcome by 2 teams of aliens, each chosen by 1 of the players. [...]
Avengers #681
Avengers #681
4 stars

Avengers #681

April 2018
"No surrender: part 7"
Script: Mark Waid
2 Elders of the Universe Grandmaster and Challenger have stolen the Earth to use as a gameboard for their game. They have chosen 2 teams of aliens as their playing pieces, who will contend for Pyramoids which the Elders place on the board. [...]
Avengers #682
Avengers #682
4 stars

Avengers #682

April 2018
"No surrender: part 8"
Script: Mark Waid
This issue starts with a flashback for Red Wolf to the Valley of Doom 1872. (He had his own series spinning out of Secret Wars III where he was Sheriff of Timely, but he got brought to the present in #2 - and later joined Hawkeye in Occupy Avengers. [...]
Avengers #683
Avengers #683
4 stars

Avengers #683

May 2018
"No surrender: part 9"
Script: Mark Waid
The Elders of the Universe Grandmaster and Challenger have stolen the Earth to use as a gameboard for their teams of aliens to compete to reach 5 Pyramoids. They froze most of Earth's superbeings in stasis leaving some Avengers to act as obstacles for the teams. [...]
Avengers #684
Avengers #684
4 stars

Avengers #684

May 2018
"No surrender: part 10"
Script: Mark Waid
This issue begins with several pages of Hulk history seen from a new slant. Possibly they're meant to be Hulk remembering. (A handy page at the back tells us where these memories come from.)It begins of course with Bruce Banner saving Rick Jones from the Gamma Bomb test. [...]
Avengers #685
Avengers #685
4 stars

Avengers #685

May 2018
"No surrender: part 11"
Script: Mark Waid
Grandmaster and the Challenger have stolen the Earth to use as a gameboard. Their alien teams have been competing for 5 Pyramoids. It's a draw so far with only the 5th Pyramoid to play for, but both teams  have nearly run out of players. [...]
Avengers #686
Avengers #686
4 stars

Avengers #686

May 2018
"No surrender: part 12"
Script: Mark Waid
Grandmaster and Challenger have stolen the Earth to use as a gameboard for their 2 teams of aliens to compete for 5 Pyramoids. They have put most of Earth's superbeings in stasis apart from a group of Avengers who were supposed to just be obstacles for their teams to overcome. [...]
Avengers #687
Avengers #687
4 stars

Avengers #687

June 2018
"No surrender: part 13"
Script: Mark Waid
Voyager has just told a bunch of Avengers (Beast, Citizen V (Roberto Da Costa), Doctor Voodoo, Falcon (Sam Wilson), Hawkeye (Clint Barton), Hercules, Rogue, Scarlet Witch, Thor (Jane Foster) and Wasp (Janet Van Dyne)) what's going on. [...]
Avengers #688
Avengers #688
4 stars

Avengers #688

June 2018
"No surrender: part 14"
Script: Mark Waid
Elders of the Universe Grandmaster and Challenger stole the Earth to use as a gameboard. Now the game is over but Challenger, in a fit of pique over not winning, vaporised his opponent and decided to destroy the world. [...]
Avengers #689
Avengers #689
4 stars

Avengers #689

June 2018
"No surrender: part 15"
Script: Mark Waid
The contest between the Elders of the Universe Grandmaster and Challenger ended when Challenger obliterated his opponent. But now the winner has decided the destroy the gameboard, the stolen Earth. [...]
Avengers #690
Avengers #690
4 stars

Avengers #690

June 2018
"No surrender: part 16"
Script: Mark Waid
Beast, Wasp (Janet Van Dyne) and Wonder Man bring recuperating Edwin Jarvis in a wheelchair to see work begin on repairing the destroyed Avengers Mansion. Nadia Pym (the other Wasp) runs to greet him. In the background various Avengers use their superpowers to clear away debris. [...]


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