Comic Book: Blood Hunt

What This Comic Book is About:
A mini-series headlining an event where vampires take over the world.

Data Sheet:
May 2024 to Jul 2024

Characters most frequently found in this comic book:
In order of appearances.

Black Panther
Black Panther


(Eric Brooks)
Captain Marvel
Captain Marvel

(Carol Danvers)
Doctor Strange
Doctor Strange

(Stephen Strange)
Iron Man
Iron Man

(Tony Stark)
Scarlet Witch
Scarlet Witch

(Wanda Maximoff)

Blood Hunt #1
Blood Hunt #1

(May 2024)

Comics Index

Total Indexed Comics: 5

Comics sorted by date. Oldest shown first. Up to 25 comics per page. Page navigator at the bottom of the page.

Blood Hunt #1
4 stars

Blood Hunt #1

May 2024
"(no title given)"
Script: Jed MacKay
We see various superfolk being turned into emitters of whirlpools of darkness:- Villain Blackout. Heroine Dusk. Shroud, currently claiming the title Moon Knight and fighting Hunter's Moon. Heroine Darkstar. Nuhuman Nightfall, previously only seen in New Warriors (2014) #7-8. [...]
Blood Hunt #2
4 stars

Blood Hunt #2

May 2024
"(no title given)"
Script: Jed MacKay
Darkforce users have been turned into portals for darkness from that dimension to cover the Earth allowing vampires free reign, and they were ready to use it. [...]
Blood Hunt #3
4 stars

Blood Hunt #3

June 2024
"(no title given)"
Script: Jed MacKay
Blade (Eric Brooks) arranged for Darkforce users to spontaneously emit clouds of Darkforce which covered the skies of the globe, hiding the Sun and allowing his vampire hordes to run unchecked. [...]
Blood Hunt #4
4.5 stars

Blood Hunt #4

June 2024
"(no title given)"
Script: Jed MacKay
Vampires led by Blade (the Vampire Hunter!) have covered the globe with Darkforce, blocking out the Sun. Blade and his Bloodcoven of super-vampires have taken over the Avengers' orbiting Impossible City. [...]
Blood Hunt #5
4 stars

Blood Hunt #5

July 2024
"(no title given)"
Script: Jed MacKay
Varnae, the 1st vampire, possessed Blade, the vampire hunter, and arranged for the Sun's rays to be blocked from Earth by Darkforce energy so that his vampire army could take over the world. [...]