Comic Book: New Avengers (2015 series)

Post Secret Wars team led by Sunspot and calling itself Avengers Idea Mechanics.

Data Sheet:
Dec 2015 to ..?

Characters most frequently found in this comic book:
In order of appearances.


(Billy Kaplan)


(Clint Barton)
New Avengers #5
New Avengers #5

(Mar 2016)

Comics Index

Indexed Comics: 6

Comics sorted by cover date. Oldest shown first. Up to 25 comics per page. Page navigator at the bottom of the page.

New Avengers #5
New Avengers #5
4 stars

New Avengers #5

March 2016
"Don't they know it's the end of the world"
Script: Al Ewing
It's the year 20XX and Billy Kaplan is now the megavillain Demiurge, and he's just decapitated Thor Odinson. The rest of Avengers 20XX (Collapsar, Iron Mariner, King Hulk, Marvel Woman, Namorina and Vision) aren't happy about it, but they're kept out by a magical forcefield. [...]
New Avengers #6
New Avengers #6
4 stars

New Avengers #6

April 2016
"Happy ever after"
Script: Al Ewing
Some of the Avengers 20XX team have come back in time to stop the alien wizard Moridun from a previous universe from destroying this universe in their future. [...]
New Avengers #14
New Avengers #14
4 stars

New Avengers #14

September 2016
"AIM vs SHIELD part III: Knowledge is power"
Script: Al Ewing
Things have been complicated.The New Avengers AKA Sunspot''s AIM (Avengers Idea Mechanics) split up in #10 over Roberto Da Costa''s decision to rescue Rick Jones from SHIELD custody during Avengers: Standoff. Hulkling, Squirrel Girl and Wiccan are now the NAv. [...]
New Avengers #15
New Avengers #15
4 stars

New Avengers #15

October 2016
"AIM vs SHIELD part IV: Quick, make something up"
Script: Al Ewing
Avenger Base Two, the secret base in the Savage Land for Sunspot''s AIM, is under attack by Maker and his New Revengers. OMNITRONICUS has taken over the computer system and is firing defence lasers at boss Roberto Da Costa. [...]
New Avengers #17
New Avengers #17
4 stars

New Avengers #17

December 2016
"AIM vs SHIELD part VI: If you choose to accept it"
Script: Al Ewing
Last issue Sunspot''s AIM beat off the attack of Maker and his New Revengers but were then assaulted by SHIELD. And the cyborg SHIELD Agent John Garrett killed Sunspot. Meanwhile Maker escaped and carried out Plan B to kidnap the US President from Air Force One and sell him to the highest bidder. [...]
New Avengers #18
New Avengers #18
4 stars

New Avengers #18

January 2017
"And one for your dreams"
Script: Al Ewing
Songbird gives the eulogy at Roberto Da Costa''s funeral. In attendance are many AIM guys (in white coveralls) plus Cannonball, Cypher, Magma, Mirage and Warlock of Sunspot''s old New Mutants team and Squirrel Girl with Chipmunk Hunk, Koi Boi and Nancy Whitehead from the Unbeatable SG series. [...]


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