Comic Book: Avengers: The Initiative

Info, covers and comics index from Avengers: The Initiative comic book.

Data Sheet:
Sep 2007 to Oct 2007

Characters most frequently found in this comic book:
In order of appearances.

Iron Man
Iron Man

(Tony Stark)

(Tony Masters)

(Greer Nelson)

Comics Index

Page: 1 of 2

Indexed Comics: 35

Comics sorted by cover date. Oldest shown first. Up to 25 comics per page. Page navigator at the bottom of the page.

Avengers: The Initiative #1
Avengers: The Initiative #1
4 stars

Avengers: The Initiative #1

April 2007
"Happy accidents"
Script: Dan Slott
A US army convoy in Iraq is attacked by a bomb-laden Hydra truck. A Sgt who goes by the codename The Gauntlet, with a huge gauntlet on his right arm that spits energy, deals with it. It turns out he and Henry Peter Gyrich are being escorted to base because Gyrich wants him back in America. [...]
Avengers: The Initiative #2
Avengers: The Initiative #2
4 stars

Avengers: The Initiative #2

May 2007
"Hero moment"
Script: Dan Slott
Gauntlet is putting new recruits Cloud 9, Hardball, Komodo and Trauma through an assault course at Camp Hammond without the use of their powers (except Komodo can't turn her reptilian abilities off). [...]
Avengers: The Initiative #3
Avengers: The Initiative #3
4 stars

Avengers: The Initiative #3

June 2007
"Bug hunt"
Script: Dan Slott
The issue begins on a flight back to Camp Hammond from Washington DC where the Campers ended last issue being commended for saving the President from Hydra. We see Cloud 9, Gargoyle, (the fake) Hulkling, Justice, Wonder Man and a silhouette who is probably Thor Girl flying under their own power. [...]
Avengers: The Initiative #4
Avengers: The Initiative #4
3 stars

Avengers: The Initiative #4

September 2007
"Green Zone"
Script: Dan Slott
The Initiative is a group of young superheroes being equipped by the Avengers to serve in various parts of the United States; their trainer is Jim “War machine” Rhodes. As the story opens, one of the recruits, Hardball has been pressured by an outside agent to steal a piece of Stark’s new S.P.I.N. [...]
Avengers: The Initiative #5
Avengers: The Initiative #5
3 stars

Avengers: The Initiative #5

October 2007
"The Shadow Initiative: Secret Weapons"
Script: Dan Slott
The report that the Initiative team members have been captured by the Hulk and are being held prisoner at Madison Square Garden leads Henry Peter Gyrich to order his own black ops superhero team to mount a rescue mission. [...]
Avengers: The Initiative #6
Avengers: The Initiative #6
4 stars

Avengers: The Initiative #6

September 2007
"Persons of interest"
Script: Dan Slott
In Camp Hammond Gauntlet is berating trainees Cloud 9, Hardball, Rage, Slapstick, Thor Girl and Ultragirl for disobeying orders and going to attack Hulk and his Warbound during World War Hulk. (Other trainees like Debrii and Komodo are spared his wrath. [...]
Avengers: The Initiative #7
Avengers: The Initiative #7
4 stars

Avengers: The Initiative #7

November 2007
"Triple threat"
Script: Dan Slott
Avengers Tower was destroyed in World War Hulk. Now Dr Von Blitzschlag takes Senator Woodman there to emphasise the importance of his Scientific Advisory for Gamma Emergencies (SAGE). [...]
Avengers: The Initiative #8
Avengers: The Initiative #8
4 stars

Avengers: The Initiative #8

December 2007
"Killed in action part 1 of 4: Snafu"
Script: Dan Slott
This issue starts and ends with short bits of a current episode, separated by a series of flashbacks.It starts with ant-sized Yellowjacket staggering through the ruins of Camp Hammond's Subbasement 9, past the body of an unidentified student, fearing it's the end of the Initiative. [...]
Avengers: The Initiative #9
Avengers: The Initiative #9
4 stars

Avengers: The Initiative #9

January 2008
"Killed in action part 2: First casualties"
Script: Dan Slott
An MVP clone is stalking through Camp Hammond's Subbasement 9, shooting people with Armory's Tactigon. Now he sets his sights on insect-sized Yellowjacket, announcing that he's on his list. He blasts YJ and declares him 'killed in action' (which connects with the KIA cut into his bare chest). [...]
Avengers: The Initiative #10
Avengers: The Initiative #10
4 stars

Avengers: The Initiative #10

March 2008
"Killed in action part 3: Confirmed kills"
Script: Unknown
In a flashback to an otherwise unrecorded Badoon invasion of New York the New Warriors (Firestar, Justice, Namorita, Night Thrasher, Rage and Speedball) celebrated victory by inviting Slapstick and Ultragirl to become official members. [...]
Avengers: The Initiative #11
Avengers: The Initiative #11
4 stars

Avengers: The Initiative #11

April 2008
"Killed in action part 4 of 4: Worst case scenario"
Script: Dan Slott
Last issue ended with Cloud 9 taking Hardball and Komodo to find the MVP clone who was pretending to be the real Michal Van Patrick, and finding him in Tennessee with Justice and other ex-New Warriors from the Initiative ranks. This issue starts by filling in what happened in between. [...]
Avengers: The Initiative #12
Avengers: The Initiative #12
4 stars

Avengers: The Initiative #12

April 2008
"Changing of the guard"
Script: Dan Slott
The previously page confirms that Dragon Lord (#8) and Trauma (#9) were killed in the Killed In Action story as well as 1 of the Scarlet Spiders (#10). Now we get the fallout from that tale.In #9 his gauntlet woke Gauntlet's body from a coma to fight against KIA and the Tactigon. [...]
Avengers: The Initiative #13
Avengers: The Initiative #13
4 stars

Avengers: The Initiative #13

May 2008
Script: Christos N. Gage
Last issue our 1st group of trainees graduated, and in #8 we met a new bunch of recruits. But for this issue we'll ignore them and introduce a 3rd intake:- Annex, Batwing, Boulder, Gorilla Girl, Prodigy and Sunstreak.Boulder is bouncing round the bus with an excitement not shared by the others. [...]
Avengers: The Initiative #14
Avengers: The Initiative #14
4 stars

Avengers: The Initiative #14

June 2008
"We have met the enemy and they are us"
Script: Unknown
Now that the cat's out of the bag (see Mighty Avengers #15 and New Avengers #42) this issue's flashbacks can show us the Skrull Criti Noll in action as Yellowjacket at the Camp Hammond Initiative training centre in previous issues. [...]
Avengers: The Initiative #15
Avengers: The Initiative #15
4 stars

Avengers: The Initiative #15

July 2008
"The only good Skrull"
Script: Dan Slott
Last issue Triathlon inherited the costume and Skrull-detecting goggles of 3-D Man, and discovered that 1 of his new Initiative team was a Skrull. He returned to Camp Hammond with the news. [...]
Avengers: The Initiative #16
Avengers: The Initiative #16
4 stars

Avengers: The Initiative #16

August 2008
Script: Dan Slott
Last issue 3-D Man crashed in the New Mexico desert when the Skrull virus fried the StarkTech in his quinjet. Now he''s found by She-Thing of that state''s Initiative team the Mavericks. But Delroy Garrett''s goggles reveal her to be a Skrull. [...]
Avengers: The Initiative #17
Avengers: The Initiative #17
4 stars

Avengers: The Initiative #17

September 2008
"Home field advantage"
Script: Unknown
Last issue the staff and trainees of Camp Hammond Initiative training base went off to fight the Secret Invasion of Skrulls. But Ant-Man (Eric O'Grady) went small and hid to avoid the draft. And then he saw Yellowjacket (Skrull Criti Noll) inviting lots of fellow Skrulls in to take over the place. [...]
Avengers: The Initiative #18
Avengers: The Initiative #18
4 stars

Avengers: The Initiative #18

October 2008
"Don't shoot 'til you see the green of their eyes"
Script: Dan Slott
The Skrull Kill Krew are travelling around the US visiting the Initiative team of each State and killing the Skrull infiltrator in each 1. Along the way original members Riot and Ryder have picked up Initiative members Gravity, Hardball, Jocasta, Komodo, Nonstop and 3-D Man. [...]
Avengers: The Initiative #19
Avengers: The Initiative #19
4.5 stars

Avengers: The Initiative #19

December 2008
"V-S Day"
Script: Unknown
Skrulls led by the fake Dum Dum Dugan of SHIELD have taken over the Initiative's Camp Hammond base as their Central Command. They have a doomsday weapon ready in case they lose the war against humans. [...]
Avengers: The Initiative #20
Avengers: The Initiative #20
4 stars

Avengers: The Initiative #20

December 2008
"Acceptable losses"
Script: Dan Slott
The Skrull Secret Invasion has amped up the protests about the Initiative HQ and training base Camp Hammond being placed at Stamford (the site of the disaster that sparked off Civil War). Gauntlet has to bull his way through the protesters to get in. [...]
Avengers: The Initiative #21
Avengers: The Initiative #21
4 stars

Avengers: The Initiative #21

January 2009
"Avengers: The Initiative disassembled part 1"
Script: Christos N. Gage
After Henry Pym declined to take up the role of his Skrull imposter last issue that leaves Gauntlet/Sgt Joe Green in charge of the Initiative, but he''s still trying to persuade someone else to take the job. Hellcat says she''s got to get back to Alaska where she''s the only team member. [...]
Avengers: The Initiative #22
Avengers: The Initiative #22
4 stars

Avengers: The Initiative #22

February 2009
"Avengers: The Initiative disassembled part 2"
Script: Christos N. Gage
Last issue the clone/cyborg Thor called Ragnarok (who thinks he''s the real thing) was awoken as a delayed-action Skrull revenge, and he''s been rampaging through the Initiative training base Camp Hammond. [...]
Avengers: The Initiative #23
Avengers: The Initiative #23
4 stars

Avengers: The Initiative #23

April 2009
"Avengers: The Initiative disassembled part 3"
Script: Christos N. Gage
In Stamford outside Camp Hammond Justice is giving a press conference. Among the reporters is Sally Floyd of Front Line. He is telekinetically towing a preservation container with a body in it. [...]
Avengers: The Initiative #24
Avengers: The Initiative #24
4 stars

Avengers: The Initiative #24

May 2009
"Avengers: The Initiative disassembled part 4"
Script: Christos N. Gage
On the outskirts of Camp Hammond Sgt Green and his family are packing up and leaving their military house because Norman Osborn closed the base down last issue. Bengal''s wife comes rushing over to ask for help finding her husband. SHIELD took the covert ops Shadow Initiative on a mission. [...]
Avengers: The Initiative #25
Avengers: The Initiative #25
4 stars

Avengers: The Initiative #25

June 2009
"Avengers: The Initiative disassembled conclusion"
Script: Christos N. Gage
The New Warriors bring Michael Van Patrick's body to his father Brian's Mississippi farm. [...]


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