
Comic Book: Captain America: Living Legend

What This Book is About:
Miniseries pits Captain America against a Russian agent possessed by a dark entity from space! Originally announced in 2011 as THE ASTONISHING CAPTAIN AMERICA.

Data Sheet:
Oct 2013 to Dec 2013

Characters most frequently found in this comic book:
In order of appearances.

Comics Index

Total Indexed Comics: 4

Comics sorted by date. Oldest shown first. Up to 25 comics per page. Page navigator at the bottom of the page.

Captain America: Living Legend #1
3.5 stars

Captain America: Living Legend #1

October 2013
"(No title given)"
Script: Andy Diggle
1945: At the end of World War 2, Russian forces are poised to attack a Nazi bunker. The wounded commander is reluctant to sacrifice lives in taking so the zealous Sgt. Volkov gives the order to attack. [...]
Captain America: Living Legend #2
3.5 stars

Captain America: Living Legend #2

October 2013
"(No title given)"
Script: Andy Diggle
In Siberia a Russian military unit hurries to the crash site of the fallen D.E.U.S. space lab and is surprised to find no one at the old rocket launching area. [...]
Captain America: Living Legend #3
3.5 stars

Captain America: Living Legend #3

November 2013
"(No title given)"
Script: Andy Diggle
Siberia, 1973: cosmonaut Vladimir Volkov has been kept at the Soviet research facility for five years and though he is restrained, the entity that possessed him in space has been driving the base personnel to suicide. [...]
Captain America: Living Legend #4
3.5 stars

Captain America: Living Legend #4

December 2013
"(No title given)"
Script: Andy Diggle
1945: We learn what we had suspected, that Sgt. Volkov killed his injured commander and pretended to give the order to attack in his name…. Today: Inside the launch facility in Siberia, Captain America has been possessed by the dark energy monster and his body is morphing in horrendous ways. . [...]