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Avengers, The (1963 series) #327

on-sale: Oct 16, 1990
Larry Hama | Paul Ryan

Avengers, The (1963 series) #327 cover

Story Name:

Into a Darkling Plain


Avengers, The (1963 series) #327 synopsis by T Vernon
Rating: 4 stars
In the hospital sub-basement, the irradiated Lt. Illarion Pavlovich Ramskov, hero of Chernobyl, has defeated Thor and She-Hulk, and now faces Iron Man, who is shielding Ramskov’s Soviet handler, Galina Nikolavenia Zhukova, and American Dr. Deidre Estivez as Ramskov is tearing off his containment suit and releasing strange radiation. In Ramskov’s mind he is reliving his fight at Chernobyl with a pair of interlopers in which he destroyed a Gluon Separator, leading to his current predicament. He emits an energy blast straight up which cuts through the street into the sky where it is noticed by Mr. Fantastic and Invisible Woman; Reed just shrugs it off as the Avengers have it under control. Rage, the Avengers wannabe, sees the beam from the ruins of a drug house he just destroyed and takes off for the hospital. Bystanders point him out to the drug dealer L.D. 50 who vows revenge….

As Iron Man carries Zhukova and Dr. Estivez to safety, the former issuing threats should the Avengers kill Ramskov, Estivez and Shellhead still wanting to know what she isn’t telling them, She-Hulk seizes the irradiated Russian and orders Thor to bring the roof down, thus “containing” him….

Up in the hospital, Captain America and Sersi are preparing to descend, when government liaison Raymond Sikorsy receives a phone call. He then informs Cap that the government has cancelled the Avengers’ charter as part of an arms limitation treaty with the Russians. Cap is enraged so Sersi suggests they jump into the chasm ….

Ramskov blasts She-Hulk out of the massive pile of rubble meant to contain him and overpowers Thor. Iron Man fires his repulsors on full for a few seconds and suggests Plan D….

Subway riders notice Rage, outrunning the train as he races to the scene of the action, while dealer L.D. 50 contacts his boss, the Kingpin….

Cap and Sersi arrive at the action. Plan D hasn’t been used since they fought the original Masters of Evil: Thor swings Mjolnir in a circle to open a dimensional portal, with Sersi using her magic to reinforce Thor’s enchantment. Rage arrives just in time to join the group being thrown into a space warp…

…and they are in a forested world where magic works and science does not. So Ramskov’s radiation is nullified and Iron Man’s armor doesn’t work…until Sersi enchants it, that is. Dr. Estivez notes that Ramskov is dying and needs an emergency bone marrow transplant. Then they are attacked by a horde of monsters whose speech, weapons, and clothing mark them as intelligent beings not beasts. There is a fight: Zhukova’s gun does not work. She-Hulk and Rage team up to toss a giant for a loop. From the monsters’ telepathic babble, the Avengers realize that the planet is a prison for exiled alien criminals. The monsters flee. Sersi performs medical checks on the others to determine who is the closest marrow donor while Thor and Iron Man patrol the perimeter to ensure the enemy does not surprise them again. Cap and Rage argue about the latter’s return with Rage suggesting Cap is a racist. She-Hulk breaks them up and is then informed she is the best donor….

On a dark street, L.D. 50 is met by the Kingpin in his limo; without a word, the trunk pops open and the dealer is given a rocket launcher; the limo leaves, L.D. 50 confused as to what he is supposed to do with it….

Under Dr. Estivez’s instructions, Sersi carries out the bone marrow transplant magically and Ramskov awakens, talking about the interlopers, and Zhukova silences him for revealing secret matters to authorized agents of the USA. Cap reveals that the Avengers’ charter has been revoked and Rage reacts to their hypocrisy in questioning his jurisdiction….

The exiled monsters, led by a winged woman Xa, seek out their leader, a massive demonic figure called Ngh the Unspeakable, smarting from his exile by the Tetrarchs of Entropy. He reasons that these newcomers have the ability to return to their homeworld so Ngh can manage to trick them into taking him with them and his powers will be restored there….

Good (or All)
Plus: Ngh the Unspeakable, Powersurge (Illarion Pavlovich Ramskov), Rage (Elvin Daryl Haliday), Ray Sikorsky.

> Avengers, The (1963 series) comic book info and issue index

Excelsioring your collection:
Holy smokes, Batman!
(The Boy Wonder)

Main/1st Story Full Credits

Paul Ryan
Tom Palmer
Christie Scheele
Paul Ryan (Cover Penciler)
Tom Palmer (Cover Inker)
Unknown (Cover Colorist)
Additional Credits
Letterer: Bill Oakley.
Editor: Howard Mackie. Editor-in-chief: Tom DeFalco.

Review / Commentaries

Avengers, The (1963 series) #327 Review by (January 10, 2025)
Comments: Part two of six parts. The Avengers last use of Plan D was in AVENGERS #16, way back when. First appearance of the Dimension of Exile and its denizens, Ngh, Xa, Orm, and the others. As the Kingpin is never seen or heard, we’re only assuming it’s the familiar Wilson Fisk and not some presumptuous lesser hood stealing his name. Cameo by Marvel’s Clark Kent, who notes that Rage is “faster than a speeding bullet.” The letters page includes one by future cartoonist Garth German of Garthtoons fame and one by future comics con founder Bob Elinskas.   

Review: And everything changes…radioactive Russian guy? Check. Angry street-level hero? Check. Alternate dimension full of monsters? Wait…what? A weird third plot is joined to the other two because apparently writer Larry Hama has been dreaming of someday writing the Avengers and he is throwing in as many of his ideas before they send him back to G.I. Joe. And all three are cool, promising a lot of excitement to come. The only odd bit is that Hama hasn’t gotten the rhythms of Thor’s speech so that it sounds like a parody of itself. We’ll cut him some slack.


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