Hulk finds Namor unconscious, and summons Doctor Strange for help. The Master of the Mystic Arts arrives to find a mystical barrier surrounding the Sub-Mariner. Suddenly, a small humanoid sorcerer called Necrodamus appears to explain his mission: murder Namor to avenge his master, the Nameless One. Necrodamus vanishes but promising to return in one hour.
Hulk and Doctor Strange try breaking the barrier around Namor in vain. Necrodamus returns and takes Namor to a cavern. Hulk and Strange follow, and the Demon of the Dark attacks them.
Hulk defeats the monster and reaches Necrodamus. Meanwhile, the Nameless One witnesses all from his dimension.
Necrodamus increases his size, turning into a formidable opponent and battles the green giant, stabbing him with a magical blade. Doctor Strange realizes that the mystical barrier is permeable to air, so he introduces water vapor into it. The condensed water wakes Namor up, who breaks the barrier that was weaker from the inside.
Sub-Mariner attacks Necrodamus while Hulk, wounded, turns into Bruce Banner. Necrodamus needed stars in perfect alignment to kill Namor. But Banner can avoid the sacrifice in the nick of time. Angry for failing, Necrodamus shrinks and vanishes.
In flashbacks: Night-Crawler.