Ka-Zar (1997 series) #7 synopsis by
Rob Johnson
Ka-Zar and Shanna came to New York to find out why Kevin's brother Parnival Plunder wants him dead. In #4 the Plunderer claimed it was to get Kevin's half of the medallion their father left them because it would lead to great power. Then in #5-6 he made Rhino stronger and cleverer, and sent him to kill KZ&S (and Zabu the sabertooth tiger).
But that's all over and now Shanna is dreaming of the Savage Land which is heaven to her. But then she wakes up lying in trash in a Bronx alley. In the distance she sees Manhattan, which contains the Plaza Hotel where she and Kevin are currently staying. And then she remembers what happened that morning.
She remembers missing their son Matthew who they had to leave behind in the Land (with nanny Zira). And she saw Kevin with Zabu watching basketball on TV. Their usual current argument continued over how much he seems to like modern tech (even bringing it into the Savage Land where it (sort of) endangered Matthew (in #1-3)). She now feels that this difference in outlook is driving them apart, making her doubt their love.
But her reverie is interrupted by a blast from some armoured soldiers who've been ordered to kill her. And she remembers that they're working for Parnival, and are what led to her waking in the alley.
But we cut away to a pocket dimension where Plunderer meets his shadowy master. PP taunts him by reminding him that he needs his help to get out of here. But he reports that the equipment they require is on its way from the Savage Land. And we learn that everything in the previous issues was designed to get KZ away from the Land and keep him here so he wouldn't interfere. (And the bit about the medallion halves was a red herring.) P steps back through the portal to his office where his men in the SL report by video link that they've unearthed everything he wanted and its being airlifted to a cargo ship. Despite Ka-Zar's absence it's all being done under a cloaking shield to stop anyone else noticing. And we see Zira with Matthew sensing something is wrong but unable to detect it. But we also see an undisclosed figure watching the soldiers leave.
We get a bit more of Shanna's memory of the morning. She and Kevin tried to talk but couldn't understand each other, and in the end he gave up. And she leapt out of their penthouse suite to clear her head. She ran along rooftops, leaping and swinging from flagpoles, not realising she was being tracked by the men with hi-tech guns. She crossed the Brooklyn Bridge and wound up pondering her life on a fire escape above the alley she woke in. Which is where the men caught up and zapped her so she fell to the ground.
Now Shanna is fleeing from the soldiers and breaks open a payphone to get a quarter to pay for a call to Kevin, but just gets a recorded message saying he's gone to the zoo. A soldier finds her but she high kicks him. Then more arrive and their blasts down her. As they stand over her about to administer the coup de grace Ka-Zar shows up riding a (real) rhino and with Zabu leading a zoo-full of large animals which trample over the soldiers (leaving a couple for Zabu and KZ to take down). The married pair have a joyful reunion and Kevin tells her he ran into 1 of Plunderer's soldiers while he was out looking for her, beat their plans out of him and recruited aid at the Bronx zoo. They finish off by KO'ing any soldiers still moving.
Shanna's happy that they're back as a team, and they agree that they've each rescued the other at various times. As they lead the animals back to the zoo Kevin admits that he doesn't know why he's been so tech-obsessed lately, but they agree to sort it out together.
But now we see the soldiers from the Savage Land arriving cloaked in Central Park with the equipment they salvaged. And the mystery figure in the pocket universe, via Parnival Plunder, tells them to activate it now.
CharactersGood (or All)Plus: Matthew Plunder, Shanna (
Shanna Plunder), Zira.