The assembled heroes of Earth invade the Ruul base, battle the baddies, and shut down the barrier containing Earth, made easier by Professor X’s plan to sabotage the base earlier. Quasar and his team (including Thor and Photon) escape from their prison and teleport to the Council planet Selandiar to inform the delegates of the Kree plan. It wasn’t necessary though as the Supreme Intelligence appears and gloats over his scheme to evolve the Kree into the Ruul, send Ego on a rampage, and infect the Earth in a bid for galactic domination.
On Earth, the efforts of a number of magical heroes fail to contain the spread of Ego; Iron Man and Reed Richards employ their device (aided by Bruce Banner and Gambit) using the Silver Surfer to drain Ego’s energy. It turns out to be too much for the cosmic hero and he collapses. Ronan attacks the machine in giant form but the assembled heroes arrive from Selandiar and give battle. Quasar steps into the device and successfully destroys the Ego infection, protected by Invisible Woman’s force field as USAgent pummels Ronan mercilessly. Having saved the planet, Quasar returns to his exile in space. The alien convicts are extradited back to their own worlds. USAgent refuses the thanks of the Avengers, insisting they cannot be trusted—yet as he leaves he won’t hear his teammates say a word against the heroes.