Many years ago, Sam and Billie
Wilson were kids, helping Gramps on his farm. And today, Sam, now Captain America,
and Billie are working on Eaglestar’s floating city, Skydream, happily farming
with Falcon (Joaquin Torres) and Shadow Soldier (Josiah X). But Redwing sends a
message to Sam who begins to see through the brainwashing, reliving his parents’
deaths and his manipulation by the Red Skull….
Security chief Robert Maverick
a/k/a Red Hulk approaches his boss Dennis Harmon, confused. He was told Captain
America was an LMD yet now he’s working in the fields. Harmon has Maverick gassed
again and he’s following orders once more….
In the fields, Cap tries to tell
Billie what’s really going on but she resists and Sam is gassed again, making
him docile once more. But Billie discovers the Mister, a buried box that
squirts the mind control drug. She and Sam both snap out of it and, after
apologies to one another are made, they approach Falcon and Shadow Soldier who
have also just recovered from the brainwashing. They keep working, planning to
get together later…
…at dinner where they put together
what they know. Eaglestar is luring poor people to the Skydream with the
promises of freedom and security then brainwashing them with drugs. They are
also using implants on people like Maverick to control them too. But they don’t
know the reason. Josiah advises them that when outnumbered, they must fight
smarter. He reviews his own history to explain: he was a foundling, raised in
foster care where he learned to fight. He joined the military where they used
him as a guinea pig for super soldier experiments. He escaped and decided his
mission was to stand up for the people in the shadows. He learned about his
parents, Isaiah and Faith Bradley, and continued the fight but he realized they
would always be underdogs, so they would have to be smarter than the opposition….
They go to the central tower and
discover Eaglestar is making super soldiers. As they head for the top of the
tower, they are attacked by the War Angels, guards who have been given wings,
by means of Falcon’s DNA. They fight their way up and temporarily defeat the
Angels. When they reach the top, the place goes into lockdown and the Skydream
platforms start moving, each one to a majority Black city, this one to the
Bronx. They don’t know what’s going on but Cap is determined to stop it….