While the Human Torch recalls his battles against two of his deadliest enemies, the Wizard and Paste-Pot Pete, the latter is planning his revenge, and helps the Wizard escape from prison to aid him in defeating the Torch.
The villains first discredit the Human Torch by accusing him of being an enemy spy through the media. This has some level of success.
Finally, they lure the Torch into their lair to lock him in a room full of mirrors which they plan to fill with a fire extinguishing substance that would kill him.
But the Torch uses his full fire power to escape on time, and capture his enemies, who are taken by the police.
Fortunately, Johnny’s name is cleared from the false accusation, but something else worries him: He has school exams the next day, and must study all night to make up lost time!
Story #2We Search the Stars!
Brilliant Astronomer Sir Edward Ramsay theorizes the existence of two other human-like races in the galaxy: One is primitive, the other very advanced. Wanting to learn from the later, a space expedition directed by Ramsay, launches to space.
They visit several planets with signs of life but no humans, until they stumble upon a world where a group of primitive-looking men is sighted.
When the cavemen-like beings surround them, Ramsay and his men panic and fire their weapons to scare them away to no avail since their pistols do not work. Rushing to their spaceship, they take off to continue their search… In vain.
The primitive looking men speak to each other telepathically. We learn they used their brain power to disable the weapons.
The writer ends this short story by stating how incorrect is to judge by appearances alone.
Story #3Dr. Strange, Master of Black Magic!
Haunted by his nightmares, a desperate man reaches out to someone who may help him, a master of black magic from Greenwich Village, New York, known as Doctor Strange.
Dr. Strange asks the man to sleep, and enters the nightmare using his metaphysical spirit. He finds a clocked chained being who torments the man for reasons he knows, and gives Strange a name: Mr. Crang.
Suddenly, an ancient foe of Dr. Strange appears on a dark stallion in the dream dimension: Nightmare, as the man wakes up hearing the name of Crang. The man grabs a gun and points it to Strange’s body, in trance, unable to defend himself.
Strange calls his master, the Ancient One, for help, who opens Strange’s amulet, the Eye of Agamotto, which paralyzes the man with hypnosis.
Strange’s mystic form eludes Nightmare to return to his body, and after disposing his patient’s weapon, the man reveals that he had ruined many people, Crang being the last of them, yet none had proof. Now, he’ll confess it all to be able to sleep well again.