Comic Browser:


The X-Men #124

Aug 1979
Chris Claremont, John Byrne

Story Name:

He Only Laughs When I Hurt!


The X-Men #124 synopsis by Anthony Silvestro
Rating: 4.5 stars

Following right from last issue, the X-Men have been trapped in Murderworld, while Arcade is having the time of his life! He revels in the fun, while the captured Colleen Wing admonishes him from the sidelines. After Colleen questions his sanity, Arcade details his backstory. He was a regular spoiled rich kid in Beverley Hills until his father cut off his money, so in turn he killed his father. He discovered his talent for killing and eventually opened up Murderworld to do it in style, but even that became boring, until he was contracted to kill Spider-Man and Captain Britain (in Marvel Team-Up #65-66). After that, he was contacted by Black Tom and Juggernaut to kill the X-Men, bringing us to the present. He checks in on Cyclops and Wolverine, who have just come face-to-face with the brainwashed Colossus! Colossus tosses both of them, and both are sent through secret revolving doors in the walls. Colossus is briefly glad he didn’t kill them, before his brainwashing takes effect once more and he sets off to finish the job.

Over with Storm, the room she’s in has almost completely filled with water, with seemingly no way out. Back with Cyclops, the secret door he fell through deposited him in the death trap designed for Nightcrawler. He spots one of the deadly cars heading right for Kurt and blasts it, before Kurt reveals that there are many more where that came from. Meanwhile, Wolverine ended up with Banshee, in the midst of a holographic battlefield. Wolverine is able to use his senses to locate the wall and cuts his way into a maintenance tunnel, where the two find robot duplicates of Magneto and the Hulk waiting for them! Meanwhile, Storm has devised a plan. She gets as much of the little remaining air as possible and swims down to the pipe the water is being pumped through. She sends a continuous lightning bolt through it, hoping that the power will eventually burst the pipe and lead her way to freedom, hopefully before her lungs give out!

Back with Cyclops and Nightcrawler, they’re getting swarmed on all sides by the deadly cars. Cyclops then pulls a really stylish move and perfectly ricochets his optic blast off each of the cars, taking them all out in a single blast! He blasts a hole into the maintenance tunnels as well and he and Nightcrawler split up. Nightcrawler finds himself right outside the main control room and decides to have some fun with Arcade. He teleports right in front of Arcade, giving him quite the fright, before taking out Arcade’s assistant, Miss Locke. Nightcrawler uses the shotgun she had to destroy the controls, before he gets a surprise dose of gas once again, getting captured once more.

Cyclops helps out Banshee and Wolverine with the robots, before water suddenly bursts through the walls, flooding the entire place, after Storm’s ploy eventually worked. Cyclops gives the unconscious Storm mouth-to-mouth, and she eventually regains consciousness after several fraught moments. It’s then that the brainwashed Colossus appears once more, quickly knocking around both Banshee and Wolverine. He lifts Cyclops and Storm both up by their necks, attempting to finish his mission. Through choked breaths, Storm and Cyclops both try to get through to Piotr, reminding him that the X-Men have become like a family and that he’s like a brother to them. This finally snaps Colossus out of it, and he hugs his friends close. Arcade realizes his defeat and encases the X-Men in a metal sphere, sending them shooting out a series of tunnels, into the outside world once more. Nightcrawler and the captured women are sent down in parachutes, while Arcade leaves a note that he’ll be back. Wolverine wants to go after him right away, but Cyclops suggests they enjoy the win and prepare for the next time they have to face him.


Review / Commentaries

The X-Men #124 Review by (August 7, 2024)

Review: Part two of the X-Men’s first trip through Murderworld! Just as always, Arcade remains a very fun villain, with endless creative and deadly tricks up his sleeve. In true form for something like this, the X-Men are able to help out in each other’s traps, as something that is designed for one would not work as well on the others. Wolverine is able to sense where the walls are in Banshee’s holographic trap, for example. Cyclops gets a particularly cool moment, where he ricochets his beam to perfectly hit all of the deadly cars in Nightcrawler’s trap in one blast! It’s always cool to see reminders of Cyke’s expertise and experience, comparatively to most of the others. The brainwashed Colossus ends up not being as big of a deal as previously thought, as Cyclops and Storm are able to snap him out of it pretty easily, reminding him that although he misses his real family, the X-Men have become just as much of a family. The X-Men prevail through some beautifully drawn sequences, with Arcade’s promise to return for more fun and wacky encounters!

Comments: First mention of Arcade’s backstory.

> The X-Men comic book info and issue index


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DIAMOND SELECT TOYS Marvel Premier Collection: Cyclops Statue, Multicolor 11 inches
Holy smokes, Batman!
(The Boy Wonder)

John Byrne
Terry Austin
Glynis Wein
Dave Cockrum (Cover Penciler)
Terry Austin (Cover Inker)
Additional Credits
Letterer: Tom Orzechowski.


Listed in Alphabetical Order.


(Sean Cassidy)

(Piotr Rasputin)

(Scott Summers)

(Kurt Wagner)

(Ororo Munroe)

(James Howlett)

Plus: Amanda Sefton, Colleen Wing.