The Godbomb has detonated and all over the universe gods are dropping dead. On Gorr’s planet, Avenger Thor enters the center of the explosion and by holding two Mjolnirs together absorbs the blast into himself. In old Asgard, Odin prays to his son to be the god of gods and when the disaster is over many gods still stand. Thor has drawn Gorr’s weapon, All-Black the Necrosword into himself and he fires its full force back at Gorr. The God Butcher’s son denounces his father blaming him for all that has happened—and then the kid fades out, a construct of the villain’s weapon. Young Thor then uses his axe to swipe Gorr’s head off. Avenger Thor vomits the weapon up and then dies—for the ninth time.
Three days later, King Thor has raised him up and he learns that Asgard is alive again and the universe filled with gods once more. The two younger Thors are sent to their own times. And modern Thor heads to the planet Indigarr (where this all started in issue #1) bringing new gods for the world without gods.