In #9 the Super-Skrull kidnapped Hulkling (Teddy Altman), claiming that he was the heir to the Skrull throne. (Teddy is a shape-shifter like the Skrulls. He just assumes a Hulk-like appearance as a default super-identity. However Hulkling also has super-strength, which the normal Skrulls don't.)
In #10 the other Young Avengers, including the reluctant Patriot (Eli Bradley), picked up the new Vision from Avengers Tower. He consulted the Avengers Fail-Safe database that had led to them in the initial issues of this title, and found another candidate, a speedster Tommy Shepherd. They recruited Tommy, defeated Super-Skrull and rescued Hulkling. Only to be attacked by Kree soldiers, claiming Teddy is a Kree.
The Kree repeat the story that Teddy was born to Skrull Princess Anelle after the Kree-Skrull War. But now is added the claim that the father was Kree Captain Marvel. The conception was while Anelle helped Mar-Vell escape from Skrull captivity during the war. Straight afterwards Mar-Vell sacrificed himself (sort of) to save Rick Jones' life. (Last issue we also learned that Teddy was smuggled to Earth to protect him from Anelle's father's wrath. And Anelle died when Galactus ate her planet.)
The Kree want to induct Hulkling into the military. But he obviously doesn't want to go. The rest of the team fight off the Kree as Hulkling rescues the injured Super-Skrull. After defeating the Kree, Vision finds out how to fly their spacecraft.
Vision intends to fly it to Avengers Tower. Tommy doesn't like that idea, because the YA have just broken him out of a juvenile detention centre where the government were experimenting on him. But he also suggests that the Avengers will turn Teddy over to the aliens to avoid involving Earth in another Kree-Skrull War.
Patriot and Kate Bishop as usual bicker over what to do. Tommy is the 2nd person (after Stature (Cassie Lang) in #7) to take this as a sign they are an item. Kate denies it again, which pleases Tommy 'cos he fancies her.
Wiccan (Billy Kaplan) is trying a spell to heal Super-Skrull. Kl'rt now claims that he came here to protect Hulkling from the Kree, who want to control him or kill him. He claims that he found Anelle and Mar-Vell escaping, and helped them by pretending to be Mar-Vell still in captivity. His motives seem to have been a mixture of love for Anelle and dislike of her father, who had exiled him due to fear he'd become a rival. Throw in some respect for Captain Marvel and doubts about the war between their races.
Super-Skrull also drops the bombshell that Billy and Tommy, who look alike, are the twin sons of the Scarlet Witch.
Vision consults the files he inherited from his predecessor, and tells the assembled crowd that Scarlet Witch did magically conceive twin sons called Thomas and William. They were 'lost souls' who Mephisto later reclaimed. But their time with Wanda changed them so much that Mephisto couldn't reabsorb them, and they ceased to exist. They also vanished from Wanda's memory, until the reawakened memory drove her mad, leading to Avengers Disassembled.
Billy is convinced that they are the twins reincarnated. Tommy is skeptical. Vision discovers that the magical father of the twins was the earlier version of himself.
At that point their Kree ship is attacked by a Skrull ship. Injured Kl'rt wants to fly out to get them to stop. But Hulkling insists on going instead. And his boyfriend Wiccan flies after him. But meanwhile the Skrulls are attacked by more Kree, and it turns into a battle between troops of flying soldiers. Until Hulkling announces his presence and orders them all to cease fire.
Just then the New Avengers turn up. Iron Man, Sentry and Spider-Woman in the air, Captain America, Luke Cage, Spider-Man and Wolverine on the ground.
The 2 alien forces stake their claims on Hulkling, both claiming to have space forces ready to attack Earth if they don't get their way. Wolverine thinks they're bluffing. Teddy doesn't want to go, and the YA don't want to let him.
Cap tells them all that Hulking is under Avengers protection. A Kree tries to shoot Cap, but Patriot takes the blast. And all hell breaks loose.
CharactersGood (or All)Plus: Patriot (
Elijah Bradley), Speed (
Tommy Shepherd), Vision (