Avengers, The (1963 series) #142 synopsis by
Rob Johnson
This issue concentrates almost exclusively on the Wild West adventures of Hawkeye, Moondragon and Thor, leaving the Avengers in the present day to stew in captivity.
Immortus has brought Moondragon and Thor back to 1873 to find the missing Hawkeye. But at the end of last issue they were accosted by someone we didn't see. This issue it turns out to be Night Rider accompanied by Kid Colt, Rawhide Kid, Ringo Kid and Two-Gun Kid.
Thor impresses them by calling down rain and lightning. Moondragon hears them mention Hawkeye and they persuade the cowboys to take them to him. Thor impresses them even more by flying.
They arrive in Tombstone, Two-Gun Kid's home town, and he takes them to the law office of Matthew Hawk (his secret ID) where Hawkeye is hiding. The archer tells the Avengers how he got here.
Clint left the Avengers Mansion in #137 intending to bring ex-Avenger Black Knight back from the 12th Century. He used Dr Doom's time platform, but was ambushed by Kang during his time trip. They fought and were both knocked off course, and Hawkeye wound up here.
He found Tombstone, but was surprised to see a futuristic building in the middle and locals talking about men from Mars. He sneaked into town and contacted Matt Hawk, whom history told him was Two-Gun Kid. Two-Gun rounded up the rest of the gang.
Immortus confirms that Kang is here. He intends this time to conquer the 20th Century by conquering the 19th. (Possibly he's still trying to get control of the Celestial Madonna, as #129 said all his attacks on the 20th Century were aimed at.) Immortus doesn't object when Thor threatens to kill Kang (even though Kang is his earlier self). Hawkeye has a plan.
In the present the other Avengers and Patsy Walker are prisoners in a cage constructed by Dr Spectrum's Power Prism. They have been captured by the Squadron Supreme, heroes from another timeline working for Roxxon Oil's CEO Hugh Jones. Patsy tries to goad her ex-husband Security Chief Buzz Baxter, but it does no good. But Captain America too has a plan.
Hawkeye knows that the Pecos train is carrying uranium from a mine. In this age uranium isn't thought of as expensive enough or dangerous enough to warrant guards. But Hawkeye knows that Kang will want it. So he plans to ambush any ambushers.
Moondragon and Thor go on the train in disguise as passengers, while Hawkeye and the cowboys ride parallel to the track on horseback. Sure enough a group of outlaws attack the train, and Hawkeye shoots a fire arrow as a signal to his fellows. He and the cowboys capture the whole gang (led by a guy called Ace whom Rawhide Kid knows, but I don't know that he is from any specific adventure). There's movie stunts like leaping from your horse to knock a baddie off his horse. Hawkeye fights 2 guys on top of the train. Half-native Ringo Kid reacts badly to slurs against 'injuns'. Night Rider does his ghost impression in a dark cave. And Two-Gun Kid in particular takes a big risk leaping from a cliff, trying to measure up to the Avengers.
Another fire arrow alerts Moondragon and Thor to break cover, and Thor takes them both into the sky. And Hawkeye wants to know how the outlaws were going to meet up with Kang.
CharactersGood (or All)Plus: Phantom Rider (
Carter Slade), Rawhide Kid (
Johnny Bart), Ringo Kid, Two-Gun Kid (
Matthew Hawk).
Buzz Baxter, Dr Spectrum (Squadron Supreme), Golden Archer, Hugh Jones, Hyperion (Squadron Supreme), Lady Lark, Whizzer (Squadron Supreme).