Iron Man (1968 series) #125 synopsis by
T Vernon
The situation is tense at the United Nations Plaza: moments earlier, Iron Man murdered the Carnelian ambassador in front of a horrified crowd (his repulsor rays were being controlled remotely by Justin Hammer, in a scheme to bring down Tony Stark). Iron Man refuses to surrender to the police and they reluctantly allow him to leave on condition that his armor be turned over to them later. Bethany Cabe objects but the police would be helpless against Shellhead. One hour later Tony Stark appears at City Hall to deliver Iron Man’s armor and vouch for his “employee’s” innocence. Bethany again raises questions about Iron Man’s integrity and Tony threatens her to get her to drop the matter….
The following day, Tony shocks Mrs. Arbogast by showing up at work drunk and locking himself in the office. At Avengers Mansion that afternoon, Captain America is proposing to his teammates that with Iron Man under suspicion of murder he (Cap) should become acting chairman. Tony arrives at this point and asks Cap to give him a crash course in self-defense, which he does. That evening, following up Whiplash’s earlier reference to “Hammer,” Tony contacts staff member Scott Lang for information about Ryker’s Island. Scott volunteers for the mission, and visiting the prison in his Ant-Man guise, he questions Whiplash about “Hammer” and delivers a full report to Tony the next morning. Tony then flies to Europe with Jim Rhodes, though the pilot is a bit dismayed at his boss’ drinking. Landing in Monaco where Whiplash said Justin Hammer had his villa, Tony phones Princess Grace for directions. He is directed to an import office where he and Rhodey are attacked by uniformed soldiers. The heroes manage to make their getaway in a wild car chase through the streets of the resort city until they crash onto the beach…and come face-to-face with an entire army of Hammer’s paramilitary thugs….
CharactersGood (or All)Plus: Bethany Cabe (
Bethany Camilla Cabe von Tilburg).
EnemiesPlus: Justin Hammer.