Iron Man (1968 series) #86 synopsis by
T Vernon
On a very hot day, Iron Man flies to the hospital and retracts his new microthin armor to visit Happy Hogan. Hap is in a good mood, though a weary Pepper still holds a grudge against Tony for putting her husband in harm’s way (issues #82-83). Meanwhile, at Stark Industries, a villain calling himself Blizzard freezes the guards into immobility with an icy blast and heads deeper into the building after his goal: Stark’s Climatron. On his way back to the plant, Tony encounters Michael O’Brien who continues to blame him for his brother Kevin’s death. Tony learns about the fuss at the factory from him and heads there immediately as Iron Man. The Armored Avenger enters the plant to find it a gleaming cavern of ice. He comes upon Blizzard who has used extreme cold to crack open the safe holding the Climatron, a device which can control weather. The foes fight as Blizzard mocks the hero, claiming they have met before. Iron Man, losing power, is overcome by the villain who freezes him solid. Pepper, who followed him into the plant, arrives to find Iron Man lying apparently dead beneath a layer of ice….
EnemiesPlus: Michael O'Brien.