New Defenders, The (1983 series) #125

J. M. DeMatteis | Don Perlin

New Defenders, The (1983 series) #125 cover

Story Name:

Hello, I Must Be Going (Or Mad Dogs and Elvishmen)!


New Defenders, The (1983 series) #125 synopsis by Peter Silvestro
Rating: 4 stars

Story continues from DEFENDERS #124.

The Elf with a Gun (one of them anyway) returns as our narrator. The original Defenders (Doctor Strange, Hulk, Sub-Mariner, Silver Surfer) stand before the Tribunal, accused of actions that will lead to the destruction of Earth in the 24th century. They accuse the Tribunal of falsifying the evidence. The Tribunal suggests Dr. Strange use the Eye of Agamotto to verify matters. Strange uses the Eye and undergoes some mental suffering before informing his colleagues that the Tribunal is everything they claim to be. Continuing the account: After burying the dead aliens, the Defenders saw their ship self-destruct. On the planet Mikkaz, Ch’Kri, the ruler of the Kamado, a race of near immortal warriors, received word that his son Ch’Kra has been located after 90 years, in Earth….

Beast, Gargoyle , and Iceman return from their visit to Scarlet Witch and Vision, Isaac pushing some cars out of the way to make a parking space for the Quinjet. The drunken Hank enters the Defenders HQ only to encounter Moondragon, who he remembers as a villain. He attacks her but she just steps aside and he hits the wall. She uses a brain blast to disable Iceman, and Isaac zaps her when Valkyrie rushes in to break up the fight. The commotion has also woken Dolly Donahue, the housekeeper. Val explains that Moondragon is her guest: She had used her mental powers to force peace on an alien race, so after her battle with the Avengers, Moondragon was judged by Odin who noted that her motives were pure even if her methods were not and so sentenced her to live on Earth with Val, to learn how to balance humanity and godhood—but the headband she wears to dampen her powers is painful. The guys don’t like this but as they drag themselves to bed, there is another surprise: Warren Worthington, their old pal the Angel, has also stopped by. The three former X-Men are delighted but Dolly has something even more important to tell them: Patsy and Daimon are getting married on Saturday, which excites more rejoicing even from Bobby and Warren who have no idea who Patsy and Daimon are….

But there is a baddie listening in at the window, the ferocious Mad-Dog, who races back to contact his masters in the Secret Empire with news of the wedding in Greentown, Ohio. The masters tell him he will need assistance and they will dispatch operatives—though Mad-Dog insists on going alone, he is overruled by the big shots….

Back to the story of King Ch’Kri of the Kamado: he raised his son Ch’Kra to succeed him but the son rejected the warlike proclivities of his race and his father, instead becoming a preacher of peace, who attracted followers. The father tried slaughtering those followers but Ch’Kra and his surviving disciples stole a ship and fled to Earth where they all died, as seen last issue. When word of his son’s death came to Ch;Kri, he chose a new heir and as prescribed by ancient ritual, he set out to erase all mention of his son from history—which included exterminating the entire population of Earth where he died; since the Kamado live such long lives, this came four centuries after the time of the Defenders. Hulk (with Bruce Banner’s brain) and Namor insist there must be something that can be done to avert this future but Dr. Strange knows it isn’t that simple: their collective karma insures that disaster will come—unless the four original Defenders disband and never again join together. The Tribunal has had its say, the rest is up to the Defenders. They are then transported back to the Sanctum Sanctorum….

The three former X-Men go on a thrill ride through town while Warren fills the others in on his recent crazy encounter with Callisto and his recovery. They return to HQ where Beast announces his intention to make the Defenders into a real team, inviting the other to join him. Everyone will ponder this while they fly in the Quinjet to Ohio for the wedding. Isaac is concerned that when he called Dr. Strange to inform him about the wedding he couldn’t come to the phone. And Beast doesn’t understand why Moondragon is coming along; MD reminds them that she trained Patsy in the use of her mental powers—and then took them away, as Val points out. They arrive, introductions are made, people are unnerved at the sight of the visitors, then Patsy Walker makes her entrance in wedding gown and she is stunning. Meanwhile, Mad-Dog is gnashing his teeth outside, looking for the chance to take revenge against Patsy but his teammates, the Mutant Force (Burner, Lifter, Slither, Shocker) call for some restraint as they all have reason to hate Hellcat and Valkyrie. Mad-Dog grows angry and threatens Shocker with a grim fate for crossing him….

In the middle of the wedding ceremony, the villains crash through a wall; Mad-Dog wants Patsy, dead or alive. The Defenders win into action, forcing the bad guys outside. Mad-Dog attacks Patsy; Moondragon takes him on but the dampening of her mental powers leaves her vulnerable and she is knocked out. The groom, Daimon Hellstrom, tries but goes down even quicker. Then Patsy confronts her attacker because she has recognized Mad-Dog as her ex-husband Buzz Baxter, who still bears a grudge. Meanwhile, Lifter picks up Valkyrie and tosses her not the distance; she returns with a tree and uses it like a baseball bat to knock him out of the park. Shocker zap Iceman so Angel scoops up the baddie and drops him from a great height and Iceman covers him with snow. Burner tries to fry Gargoyle with his flames; Isaac responds with his bio-mystic bolts and blows up the bad guy. As Patsy and Mad-Dog fight, he pours out sll of the bitterness in his soul over their failed marriage. He overcomes her and prepares to rake her fce with his claws when Moondragon is able to halt him with her low-level mental projection, giving time for Daimon to punch the bad guy’s lights out….

The he wedding resumes and is completed and Beast is very happy at having seen the heroes working as a team so he repeats his invitation to join his team. And they all agree, even Moondragon, taking seriously her sentence to remain with Valkyrie. The cheer the formation of the new Defenders. And then the original Defenders arrive; Dr. Strange officially passes the torch to them, giving them a somewhat ambiguous bless and they depart….

The narrator Elf starts to introduce the next issue when his colleague, sent by the Tribunal, yanks him out of the comic and back to work….

Good (or All)

Plus: Elf with a Gun, Mad-Dog (Robert Baxter), Mutant Force.

> New Defenders, The (1983 series) comic book info and issue index

Excelsioring your collection:
Holy smokes, Batman!
(The Boy Wonder)

Main/1st Story Full Credits

Don Perlin
Kim DeMulder
Christie Scheele
Carl Potts (Cover Penciler)
Bill Sienkiewicz (Cover Inker)
Unknown (Cover Colorist)
Additional Credits
Letterer: Janice Chiang.

Review / Commentaries

New Defenders, The (1983 series) #125 Review by (January 22, 2025)

Review: Two major plots vie for attention in this transitional issue, both buried under overstuffed word balloons. The first is the end of the original Defenders. The sci-fi plot is a little less onerous than in last issue and actually completes the story in a satisfactory way. The only oddity is that having demonstrated to the Defenders why they are being held responsible for the destruction of Earth, the high and formidable Tribunal hands down the sentence of…asking them to go home and consider disbanding. For all their fearsome intensity leading up to this, the Tribunal are kinda agreeable at the end.

Well, that looked to the past; the second half looks toward the future: The central bit is the wedding of Hellcat and Son of Satan (their hero names should indicate that they are made for each other) and what’s a comic book wedding without villains to crash the festivities? The main point of interest is the return of Patsy’s boyfriend from her 1940s funny comics series as a creepy villain; Mad-Dog’s flexing gives him a very inhuman look while his name makes him the perfect enemy for a Hellcat and his being her ex gives him the motivation. And they actually stay married for a while, though unhappily: she is driven mad then killed and sent to Hell then resurrected and being Hellcat again. More on that some other time, some other place.

The bigger deal in the background and actually the least interesting of the three alternating plots is the formation of the New Defenders. And it involves coming up with reasons for Angel and Moondragon to be in the comic, facilitated by a mass of expositional dialogue. At the center though, is Beast wanting to be the leader of a team so he turns the famous non-team into one—despite the Defenders looking like a normal team for many years now. Some guys are never happy; presumably Beast wrote up a formal charter that everyone had to sign or something. With IDs, passwords, and keys to the company restrooms, probably. Yeah, it’s a bit silly but it gets the job done.

Comments:The New Defenders”—Cover. Extra-large special issue. Part three of three parts. The first half of the title comes from a song associated with Groucho Marx; the second half is a parody of a song by Noel Coward, “Mad Dogs and Englishmen.” The dismal future is designated Earth-8394. The Avengers fought Moondragon in AVENGERS #220. Buzz Baxter was Patsy Walker’s boyfriend in her 1940s comic book series; he returned as her ex-husband in some Avengers issues and DEFENDERS #87 and 89; this is his first appearance as the villain Mad-Dog. Angel’s encounter with Callisto was in X-MEN #170. Moondragon trained Hellcat in use of her mental abilities in AVENGERS #151 and took them away in DEFENDERS #77. Mutant Force was introduced in CAPTAIN AMERICA ANNUAL #4; they then showed up in DEFENDERS #78-87 (most issues); there were originally six members: Peeper and Femforce are gone. There a reference to the TV movie, STILL THE BEAVER, a 1983 reunion film for the classic sitcom LEAVE IT TO BEAVER (1957-1963). And yet another quote of “Plunk your magic twanger, Froggy” from the children’s show ANDY’S GANG (1955-1960), this time by the narrator. Issue includes an essay from the editor about the new direction the series is going in.


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