Comic Book: The Avengers (1963 series)

Earth's mightiest heroes--Thor, Iron Man, Wasp, Giant Man, and the newly-revived Captain America--came together as the Avengers to battle threats that no one of them could handle alone. Soon joined by Hawkeye, the Scarlet Witch, the Vision, She-Hulk, the Beast and many, many, many others, the name of the Avengers would pass into legend as the greatest hero team ever (at least for Marvel).

Data Sheet:
Sep 1963 to Sep 1996

Characters most frequently found in this comic book:
In order of appearances.

Captain America
Captain America

(Steve Rogers)
Scarlet Witch
Scarlet Witch

(Wanda Maximoff)

Avengers, The #1
Avengers, The #1

(Sep 1963)

Comics Index

Page: 2 of 17

Indexed Comics: 402

Comics sorted by cover date. Oldest shown first. Up to 25 comics per page. Page navigator at the bottom of the page.

Avengers, The #26
Avengers, The #26
4 stars

Avengers, The #26

March 1966
"The Voice of the Wasp"
Script: Stan Lee
The usual opening scene of the Avengers arguing this time focuses on rivalry between Hawkeye and Quicksilver.Next we see the aftermath of events in the Sub-Mariner strip in Tales to Astonish #77-78. [...]
Avengers, The #27
Avengers, The #27
4 stars

Avengers, The #27

April 1966
"Four Against the Floodtide"
Script: Stan Lee
Last issue three Avengers answered a call from the Wasp to stop Attuma from flooding the Earth. Hawkeye missed the call because he was out with a broken communicator. [...]
Avengers, The #28
Avengers, The #28
4 stars

Avengers, The #28

May 1966
"Among Us Walks...a Goliath"
Script: Stan Lee
In #26 the Avengers responded to a call from the Wasp to stop subsea villain Attuma flooding the surface world. In #27 they foiled his plan, but couldn't find Wasp. [...]
Avengers, The #29
Avengers, The #29
4 stars

Avengers, The #29

June 1966
"This Power Unleashed"
Script: Stan Lee
Last issue the Avengers helped Henry Pym rescue Janet van Dyne from the Collector. In the process Hank resumed his super-hero role as Giant-Man, albeit with a new costume and a new name Goliath. But his size-changing ability had grown limited and medically dangerous over time. [...]
Avengers, The #30
Avengers, The #30
4 stars

Avengers, The #30

July 1966
"Frenzy in a Far-Off Land"
Script: Stan Lee
Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch noticed that their powers were fading last issue. They wonder if they aren't really mutants, but derive their abilities from their native land. They take a leave of absence to return to their homeland. [...]
Avengers, The #31
Avengers, The #31
4 stars

Avengers, The #31

August 1966
"Never Bug a Giant "
Script: Stan Lee
Captain America and Wasp are preparing to fly to South America to find Goliath. They are joined by Hawkeye, returned from his fight with Black Widow, Power Man and Swordsman. Despite his new resolution to get along better with his teammates, especially Cap, Hawkeye is still prickly. [...]
Avengers, The #32
Avengers, The #32
4 stars

Avengers, The #32

September 1966
"The Sign of the Serpent"
Script: Stan Lee
The active Avengers return from their mission in South America. Captain America tries to resign as leader in favour of the recently-returned (since about #28) Goliath, who has seniority. Hank declines, partly because he is still depressed about being stuck at 10 feet tall (#28 again). [...]
Avengers, The #33
Avengers, The #33
4 stars

Avengers, The #33

October 1966
"To Smash a Serpent "
Script: Stan Lee
Last issue Captain America was captured by the hate-group Sons of the Serpent. The Supreme Serpent told the Avengers to do whatever he says, or Cap would die. Goliath persuaded the other Avengers to publicly pretend to acquiesce. [...]
Avengers, The #34
Avengers, The #34
4 stars

Avengers, The #34

November 1966
"The Living Laser"
Script: Stan Lee
The Living Laser tries out his supervillain equipment by robbing a bank and then leaving the money. In his civilian identity as inventor Arthur Parks he watches as the Avengers examine the result of his lasers. Wasp runs across an old friend Lucy Barton. [...]
Avengers, The #35
Avengers, The #35
4 stars

Avengers, The #35

December 1966
"The Light That Failed "
Script: Roy Thomas
Captain America and Hawkeye have been trapped in a gradually closing cage of laser beams by the Living Laser, who has left the room with the unconscious Wasp, who is the object of his deluded affections. Now read on. [...]
Avengers, The #36
Avengers, The #36
4 stars

Avengers, The #36

January 1967
"The Ultroids Attack "
Script: Roy Thomas
Captain America is disturbed by the sudden arrival of (someone who claims to be) Scarlet Witch. She explains how a flying saucer appeared in her Balkan village. She and her brother Quicksilver went to investigate. Pietro became trapped inside, and Wanda's hex couldn't affect the ship. [...]
Avengers, The #37
Avengers, The #37
4 stars

Avengers, The #37

February 1967
"To Conquer a Colossus"
Script: Roy Thomas
The Avengers and Black Widow have travelled to Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch's homeland Transia to rescue them. They have been captured by Ixar, a sentient computer from Sirius, in its flying saucer. [...]
Avengers, The #38
Avengers, The #38
4 stars

Avengers, The #38

March 1967
"In Our Midst ... an Immortal"
Script: Roy Thomas
The Avengers are back up to full strength since they rescued Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch from the alien Ixar last issue. Pietro and Captain America break up a squabble between Hawkeye and Goliath. [...]
Avengers, The #39
Avengers, The #39
4 stars

Avengers, The #39

April 1967
"The torment ... and the triumph"
Script: Roy Thomas
Last issue Captain America left on a personal errand and Natasha Romanov told her boyfriend Hawkeye and the other Avengers that she doesn't want to be on the team and is returning to China. And Hercules joined them as a guest after falling out of favour with his dad Zeus. [...]
Avengers, The #40
Avengers, The #40
4 stars

Avengers, The #40

May 1967
"Suddenly ... the Sub-Mariner "
Script: Roy Thomas
The 5 Avengers (excluding the absent Captain America) and their guest Hercules are clearing up the damage caused last issue when the Mad Thinker and his minions tried to steal Avengers' equipment. Scarlet Witch's hex was overloaded in the battle, and she now collapses in delayed reaction. [...]
Avengers, The #41
Avengers, The #41
4 stars

Avengers, The #41

June 1967
"Let sleeping dragons lie"
Script: Roy Thomas
3 of the Avengers and their guest Hercules are honing their skills in the Avengers gym:- Hawkeye fires arrows while dangling from a trapeze, Herc juggles a very large barbell, Quicksilver just runs around, Scarlet Witch improves her acrobatics. [...]
Avengers, The #42
Avengers, The #42
3 stars

Avengers, The #42

July 1967
"The Plan ... and the Power"
Script: Roy Thomas
Last issue Goliath was studying the android Dragon Man when Diablo came to claim him (Diablo didn't create the android, but did bring it to life in Fantastic Four #35). [...]
Avengers, The #43
Avengers, The #43
4 stars

Avengers, The #43

August 1967
"Color Him ... the Red Guardian"
Script: Roy Thomas
It's a few days since last issue and the Avengers have been trying to find out where Black Widow is being held in China. But before we get to that ...Quicksilver shows the others that he has learnt how to use his speed to fly for short distances. [...]
Avengers, The #44
Avengers, The #44
4 stars

Avengers, The #44

September 1967
"The Valiant Also Die"
Script: Roy Thomas
Hawkeye and Black Widow are imprisoned in a secret Chinese base where Natasha had been sent by SHIELD to destroy a new weapon called the Psychotron. Inside the Psychotron Hercules thinks he is fighting the Hydra. The other Avengers are on their way from America. [...]
Avengers, The #45
Avengers, The #45
4 stars

Avengers, The #45

October 1967
"Blitzkrieg in Central Park"
Script: Roy Thomas
The Avengers are attending a ceremony in New York's Central Park to honour their defeat of the Mandarin's plan to take over the world in Annual #1. This day has been declared Avenger Day. [...]
Avengers, The #46
Avengers, The #46
4 stars

Avengers, The #46

November 1967
"The Agony and the Anthill"
Script: Roy Thomas
Captain America, Goliath, Hercules, Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch are relaxing in Avengers Mansion, although Cap is still brooding about giving up his costumed identity (which he will do briefly in Tales of Suspense #95-96), and about his new love for SHIELD Agent Thirteen. [...]
Avengers, The #47
Avengers, The #47
4 stars

Avengers, The #47

December 1967
"Magneto Walks the Earth"
Script: Roy Thomas
Magneto and Toad are prisoners on the Stranger's asteroid, after he took them as specimens in X-Men #11 (and recaptured Magneto in X-Men #18). Magneto can detect a message beamed by magnetic rays. [...]
Avengers, The #48
Avengers, The #48
4 stars

Avengers, The #48

January 1968
"The Black Knight lives again"
Script: Roy Thomas
Last issue Magneto (and Toad) escaped the Stranger's planet and lured Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch into a trap. Now he wants them to rejoin his Brotherhood Of Evil Mutants. But of course since he was last around (X-Men #11) they've switched sides and joined the Avengers. [...]
Avengers, The #49
Avengers, The #49
4 stars

Avengers, The #49

February 1968
"Mine is the power"
Script: Roy Thomas
Hercules continues to explore the Olympus he found deserted in the last 2 issues. Returning to the vital Promethean Flame which has been doused and wrecked he is attacked by Typhon, 1 of the ancient Greek Titans. Typhon complains how Zeus banished him long ago, and he recently returned for revenge. [...]
Avengers, The #50
Avengers, The #50
4 stars

Avengers, The #50

March 1968
"To tame a Titan"
Script: Roy Thomas
The Avengers have been reduced to 3 members. Captain America quit (#47) and Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch were tricked into rejoining Magneto's Brotherhood Of Evil Mutants (last issue). [...]


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