Comic Book: Avengers: Initiative Featuring Reptil

What This Comic Book is About:
A 2nd Avengers Initiative Special introducing teen Humberto Lopez as Reptil.

Data Sheet:
Mar 2009 (one-shot)

Characters most frequently found in this comic book:
In order of appearances.

Plus: Batwing (James Santini), Baron Blitzschlag (Wernher Von Blitzschlag), Cloud 9 (Abby Boylen), Komodo (Melati Kusuma), Moon Boy, Physique, Prodigy (Richard Gilmore), Reptil (Humberto Lopez).

Comics Index

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Avengers: Initiative Featuring Reptil #1
4 stars

Avengers: Initiative Featuring Reptil #1

March 2009
"Missing links"
Script: Christos N. Gage
The SHIELD Regional Base in Texas is invaded by dinosaurs led by Stegron the Dinosaur Man. But he says they don't have what he's looking for so he gets a pterosaur to fly him away and the other dinos collapse into old bones. [...]