Comic Book: Avengers: War Across Time

The original Avengers get fed up with Kang attacking them and decide to take the fight to him.

Data Sheet:
Mar 2023 to ..?

Characters most frequently found in this comic book:
In order of appearances.

Captain America
Captain America

(Steve Rogers)

(Henry Pym)
Iron Man
Iron Man

(Tony Stark)

Comics Index

Indexed Comics: 5

Comics sorted by cover date. Oldest shown first. Up to 25 comics per page. Page navigator at the bottom of the page.

Avengers: War Across Time #1
Avengers: War Across Time #1
4.5 stars

Avengers: War Across Time #1

March 2023
"War across time"
Script: Paul Levitz
Avengers: War Across Time #2
Avengers: War Across Time #2
4 stars

Avengers: War Across Time #2

April 2023
"War across time chapter 2"
Script: Paul Levitz
Last issue the original Avengers suffered another attack by Kang The Conqueror and now they want to take the fight to him in his future era. [...]
Avengers: War Across Time #3
Avengers: War Across Time #3
4 stars

Avengers: War Across Time #3

May 2023
"War across time chapter 3"
Script: Paul Levitz
Fed up with being attacked by Kang from the future then original Avengers decided to take the fight to *him*. They went to use Dr Doom's time machine in the Baxter Building but the Fantastic Four were away and even Iron Man (secretly Tony Stark) and Giant-Man couldn't figure out how to make it work. [...]
Avengers: War Across Time #4
Avengers: War Across Time #4
4 stars

Avengers: War Across Time #4

June 2023
"War across time chapter 4"
Script: Paul Levitz
The original Avengers were fed up with Kang attacking them from the future and tried to use the Fantastic Four's time machine (while the FF were away) to go fight him in his own time. But instead they accidentally brought Sindri, king of the Asgardian Dwarves, from his home in Nidavellir. [...]
Avengers: War Across Time #5
Avengers: War Across Time #5
4 stars

Avengers: War Across Time #5

July 2023
"War across time chapter 5"
Script: Paul Levitz
Kang The Conqueror has attacked the original Avengers several times from the future so they decided to take the fight to him. But several problems intervened in this mini-series and they never made it. But now Kang is teleporting 4 of them (while Thor is absent) to the future anyway. [...]


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