Comic Book: Giant-Size Defenders (1974 series)

Double-sized quarterly helping of Defenders action, featuring a new lead story followed by reprinted older material.

Data Sheet:
Jul 1974 to Jul 1975

Characters most frequently found in this comic book:
In order of appearances.

Doctor Strange
Doctor Strange

(Dr Strange)

(Bruce Banner)


Comics Index

Indexed Comics: 5

Comics sorted by cover date. Oldest shown first. Up to 25 comics per page. Page navigator at the bottom of the page.

Giant-Size Defenders #1
Giant-Size Defenders #1
4 stars

Giant-Size Defenders #1

July 1974
"The Way They Were!"
Script: Tony Isabella
Synopsis: The Defenders, Doctor Strange, Hulk, and Valkyrie, return to headquarters in Strange’s Sanctum Sanctorum. Val tells Clea that she wishes she knew more about her teammates. Clea casts a spell to give Val visions of their early lives…. [...]
Giant-Size Defenders #2
Giant-Size Defenders #2
3 stars

Giant-Size Defenders #2

October 1974
"H…as in Hulk…Hell…and Holocaust!"
Script: Len Wein
Hulk is on a rampage through New York City, driving off the police who can’t stand against him. The National Guard arrives and sets their new mechanoid soldier against him and Hulk turns it to scrap in seconds. [...]
Giant-Size Defenders #3
Giant-Size Defenders #3
4 stars

Giant-Size Defenders #3

January 1975
"Games Godlings Play!"
Script: Steve Gerber
Late one night, Daredevil detects Nighthawk and, remembering their previous encounter, tries to capture him but the two are teleported to limbo-like world in space. [...]
Giant-Size Defenders #4
Giant-Size Defenders #4
4 stars

Giant-Size Defenders #4

April 1975
"Too Cold a Night for Dying!"
Millionaire Kyle (Nighthawk) Richmond and his date Trish Starr are out on the town, chatting with the paparazzi—and a bomb planted in their car explodes, injuring many…. [...]
Giant-Size Defenders #5
Giant-Size Defenders #5
3 stars

Giant-Size Defenders #5

July 1975
"Eelar Moves in Mysterious Ways!"
Script: Steve Gerber
Late one night, a trio of punks follows a man named Milton Childs down a dark street, finally hustling him into an alley for some violent fun. [...]


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