Comic Book: New Avengers (2013 series)

A new team of Avengers is born, who seem to be the Illuminati under a new name. Or at least one set of characters who could lay claim to the name.

Data Sheet:
Mar 2013 to ..?

Characters most frequently found in this comic book:
In order of appearances.

Mr. Fantastic
Mr. Fantastic

(Reed Richards)
Black Panther
Black Panther

Doctor Strange
Doctor Strange

(Dr Strange)
New Avengers #1
New Avengers #1

(Mar 2013)

Comics Index

Page: 1 of 2

Indexed Comics: 32

Comics sorted by cover date. Oldest shown first. Up to 25 comics per page. Page navigator at the bottom of the page.

New Avengers #1
New Avengers #1
4 stars

New Avengers #1

March 2013
"Memento mori"
Script: Jonathan Hickman
We begin with a flashback to the founding of the Illuminati, where Black Panther declined membership. He distrusted the idea of a group of superheroes deciding to run the world for its own good, but keeping it secret from everyone else. No-one else could be trusted. [...]
New Avengers #2
New Avengers #2
4 stars

New Avengers #2

March 2013
"In secret they rule"
Script: Jonathan Hickman
This issue begins with a reprise of #1, ending with the arrival of the Illuminati in Wakanda. Last issue we learned that T'Challa is King of the Dead in the Necropolis, while his sister Shuri still rules the living. [...]
New Avengers #3
New Avengers #3
4 stars

New Avengers #3

April 2013
Script: Jonathan Hickman
The 'previously' page of flashbacks shows Black Swan and Reed Richards' explanation to the Illuminati that 'incursions' are 2 alternate universes touching at the Earth. At that point they will have 8 hours to solve the problem. At the end of that time both universes will mutually destruct. [...]
New Avengers #4
New Avengers #4
4 stars

New Avengers #4

May 2013
"World eater"
Script: Jonathan Hickman
The previously page shows Black Swan predicting that the group will have to do extreme things to deal with the incursions. Captain America used the Infinity Gems to stave off an incursion last issue, but lost the Gems in the process. [...]
New Avengers #5
New Avengers #5
4 stars

New Avengers #5

June 2013
"Black Swans"
Script: Jonathan Hickman
The 'previously' page shows the team using the Infinity Gems to terminate an incursion by another universe in #3, but at the cost of losing the Gems. On the next incursion last issue they set out for the other Earth to find that universe's copy of the Infinity Gems. [...]
New Avengers #6
New Avengers #6
4 stars

New Avengers #6

July 2013
"Blue hell"
Script: Jonathan Hickman
The previously page reminds us that Black Swan came to this Earth in the 1st incursion from the Earth of the other timeline, and used a device on that Earth to destroy it (#1). [...]
New Avengers #7
New Avengers #7
4 stars

New Avengers #7

August 2013
Script: Jonathan Hickman
The previously page only has stuff from last issue:- The latest incursion was at Dr Doom's castle in Latveria. [...]
New Avengers #8
New Avengers #8
4 stars

New Avengers #8

September 2013
"What Maximus made"
Script: Jonathan Hickman
The previously page shows Maximus building something for Black Bolt, while Black Panther and Mr Fantastic constructed anti-matter bombs to destroy alternate Earths. Meanwhile Sub-Mariner asked T'Challa to intercede with his sister Shuri to stop her taking Wakanda into war with Atlantis. [...]
New Avengers #9
New Avengers #9
4 stars

New Avengers #9

October 2013
"The Cull Obsidian"
Script: Jonathan Hickman
This time the previously page refers back to Infinity #1, rather than to earlier New Avengers issues. (Avengers #18 did the same.) The Outrider brings news to Thanos from the mind of Black Bolt, that the Illuminati had possessed the Infinity Gems but lost them. [...]
New Avengers #10
New Avengers #10
4 stars

New Avengers #10

November 2013
"The Thanos seed"
Script: Jonathan Hickman
New Avengers #11
New Avengers #11
4.5 stars

New Avengers #11

December 2013
Script: Jonathan Hickman
The previously page restates the basic 'incursion' situation from #2. An event on some alternate Earth started a chain reaction that is destroying universes. Pairs of universes join at Earth. 8 hours later both universes will die unless 1 Earth is destroyed sparing them both. [...]
New Avengers #12
New Avengers #12
4.5 stars

New Avengers #12

January 2014
Script: Jonathan Hickman
Now that Infinity is over, the previously page takes us all the way back to #2 to re-establish the central problem the Illuminati are tackling in this series, that Mr Fantastic learned about from Black Swan. [...]
New Avengers #13
New Avengers #13
4.5 stars

New Avengers #13

February 2014
Script: Jonathan Hickman
The previously page this time goes mainly back to the beginning again, with words and images taken from #2 explaining the basic incursion dilemma, where they have 8 hours each time to destroy the alternate Earth of the incursion or both realities will die. [...]
New Avengers #14
New Avengers #14
4.5 stars

New Avengers #14

April 2014
"The Agamotto gambit"
Script: Jonathan Hickman
The previously page describes the basic incursion scenario again, once more starting with Mr Fantastic's "Everything dies" speech. But it brings it up to date with the machine the Illuminati built last issue to view the alternate Earths where incursions are occurring. [...]
New Avengers #15
New Avengers #15
4.5 stars

New Avengers #15

May 2014
"See how the swans fly"
Script: Jonathan Hickman
The previously page starts with Mr Fantastic's "Everything dies" speech again, and outlines the basic incursion problem as described by Black Swan. It ends with telling how the Illuminati are using Reed's Bridge to view incursions in alternate realities. [...]
New Avengers #16
New Avengers #16
3 stars

New Avengers #16

May 2014
New Avengers #17
New Avengers #17
4.5 stars

New Avengers #17

June 2014
"A perfect world II"
Script: Jonathan Hickman
This issue is a continuation of the tale in #16 where Black Panther and Sub-Mariner view the world of the Great Society as it deals with incursions. [...]
New Avengers #18
New Avengers #18
4 stars

New Avengers #18

July 2014
"Into the breach"
Script: Jonathan Hickman
The previously page reminds us of scattering of events from earlier issues plus something from Avengers #28. We have of course the usual potted summary of the incursion problem - pairs of parallel universes meet at their Earths, and 1 Earth must be destroyed in each case to save both timelines. [...]
New Avengers #19
New Avengers #19
4 stars

New Avengers #19

August 2014
"We are all monsters now"
Script: Jonathan Hickman
The previously page:- The Illuminati removed their current activities facing the 'incursions' from Captain America's memory in #3, but he recently remembered in Avengers #29. Something changed in Thanos' stasis prison cell in #15. [...]
New Avengers #20
New Avengers #20
4 stars

New Avengers #20

August 2014
Script: Jonathan Hickman
Previously page:- Way back in #12 Dr Strange decided to get serious about the incursions problem. Last issue the Illuminati met with the Great Society to talk rationally about the fact that 1 of their Earths must die to save both of their universes. [...]
New Avengers #21
New Avengers #21
4 stars

New Avengers #21

September 2014
"The bomb"
Script: Jonathan Hickman
Previously page:- The ghosts of T'Challa's Black Panther ancestors told him it was his duty to defend Wakanda (and hence the Earth and universe that contained it) no matter what it took (such as destroying the innocent world of the Great Society). [...]
New Avengers #22
New Avengers #22
4 stars

New Avengers #22

October 2014
"We are not brothers"
Script: Jonathan Hickman
Sub-Mariner has just destroyed the Earth of the Great Society, thereby saving his Earth and both universes. This was after the other Illuminati, especially Black Panther, couldn't bring themselves to do it.The other Illuminati aren't happy, despite the fact that this is what they planned to do. [...]
New Avengers #23
New Avengers #23
4 stars

New Avengers #23

October 2014
"All the angels have fallen"
Script: Jonathan Hickman
In #21 Sub-Mariner stepped up when the rest of the Illuminati wimped out - he destroyed the incursion-Earth of the Great Society, thus saving his own Earth and both universes. Last issue he was nonplussed when his teammates got angry and kicked him off the team. Then another 8-hour incursion began. [...]
New Avengers #24
New Avengers #24
0 stars

New Avengers #24

November 2014
New Avengers #25
New Avengers #25
4.5 stars

New Avengers #25

December 2014
"What happened when the world woke up"
Script: Jonathan Hickman
The previously page shows a panel from #19 with words from #21 depicting what was effectively the beginning of the Cabal:- Maximus allying with Black Swan and freeing Thanos and friends. Then in the 8-months-later last issue we learned that the powers-that-be gave Wakanda to the Cabal. [...]


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