Comic Book: Rune/Silver Surfer

What This Comic Book is About:
A 1-shot flip book created by Malibu and Marvel with Rune's version of the story on 1 side and Silver Surfer's on the other. It also runs in parallel with Warlock & Infinity Watch #42.

Data Sheet:
Apr 1995 (one-shot)

Characters most frequently found in this comic book:
In order of appearances.


(Drax the Destroyer)
Plus: Deathurge, Living Tribunal, Mantra (Eden Blake), Maxam, Powderkeg.

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Rune/Silver Surfer #1
4 stars

Rune/Silver Surfer #1

April 1995
Script: ?
The Rune story was created by Malibu staff. It has script Chris Ulm & Dan Danko, pencils Henry Flint, inks Marl McKenna, letters Patrick Owsley, colours Violent Hues, editor Dan Danko. The Rune cover is by Barry Windsor Smith. It's entitled "Into infinity". [...]