Comic Book: Thanos Annual (2024 series)

What This Comic Book is About:
A Thanos Annual technically belonging to his 2023 series but starting the Infinity Watch event spreading across the 2024 Annuals.

Data Sheet:
Jun 2024 (one-shot)

Characters most frequently found in this comic book:
In order of appearances.

Phil Coulson
Phil Coulson

Plus: Nighthawk (of SSOA), Overtime (Hector Bautista), Quantum, Star.
Thanos Annual #1
Thanos Annual #1

(Jun 2024)

Comics Index

Total Indexed Comics: 1

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Thanos Annual #1
4 stars

Thanos Annual #1

June 2024
"The Infinity Watch"
Script: Derek Landy
This issue begins with a brief resume of Thanos' life. According to the Thanos Rising mini-series in his early life on Titan he was a shy intellectual kid who didn't commit his 1st murders (scientific dissections) until his late teens. [...]