Comic Book: Rampaging Hulk / The Hulk!

What This Comic Book is About:
Bi-monthly Hulk magazine with stories outside of official line. 27 issues.

Data Sheet:
Jan 1977 to Jun 1981

Characters most frequently found in this comic book:
In order of appearances.


(Robert Bruce Banner)
Iron Man
Iron Man

(Tony Stark)

Plus: Soul-Shade.

Comics Index

Page: 2 of 2

Total Indexed Comics: 27

Comics sorted by date. Oldest shown first. Up to 25 comics per page. Page navigator at the bottom of the page.

Rampaging Hulk / The Hulk! #26
4 stars

Rampaging Hulk / The Hulk! #26

April 1981
"Several Stories: See Synopsis"
Script: J. M. DeMatteis
"Namaste'" Credits: J.M. DeMatteis - Gene Colan - Alfredo Alcala Bruce Banner finds himself riding in a bus full of hippies (and one particularly attractive one he's befriended) on their way to a commune one night. [...]
Rampaging Hulk / The Hulk! #27
3 stars

Rampaging Hulk / The Hulk! #27

June 1981
"Multiple Stories: See Synopsis"
Script: Steven Grant
"Feudin" Credits: Lora Byrne (w), Gene Colan and Dave Simons (art) Bruce hitches a ride with truck driver Gary whos hauling genetically identical mice when the two spy a shapely J-L Willoughby with her thumb stuck out. [...]