Comic Book: Wolverine (1988 series)

Comic book featuring Wolverine stories, second volume.

Data Sheet:
Nov 1988 to Jun 2003

Characters most frequently found in this comic book:
In order of appearances.


(Bruce Banner)

Arnim Zola
Arnim Zola

(The Bio-Fanatic)
Betty Ross
Betty Ross

(Elizabeth Ross)
Wolverine #7
Wolverine #7

(May 1989)

Comics Index

Indexed Comics: 5

Comics sorted by cover date. Oldest shown first. Up to 25 comics per page. Page navigator at the bottom of the page.

Wolverine #7
Wolverine #7
3 stars

Wolverine #7

May 1989
"Mr. Fixit Comes to Town"
Script: Chris Claremont
Joe Fixit is loaned by Mickey Berengetti to a Mafia Don for a mission: checking out his far eastern partner—in Madripoor. On the way to the airport, Connie stops for gas and is harassed by a gang of motorcycle toughs, but the Incredible Hulk quickly teaches them to mind their manners. [...]
Wolverine #8
Wolverine #8
4 stars

Wolverine #8

June 1989
"If It Ain't Broke--!"
Script: Chris Claremont
When the Incredible Hulk awakens at his hotel at dusk, he finds someone has replaced his snappy wardrobe with pairs and pairs of purple pants. [...]
Wolverine #144
Wolverine #144
2 stars

Wolverine #144

November 1999
"First Cut!"
Script: Erik Larsen
This is the story of how Wolverine got his first costume (from Jason Hudson and his wife Heather, who are Vindicator and Guardian respectively). It also tells his first mission: confront terrorists. While Logan is fighting them, the Leader kidnaps him. [...]
Wolverine #145
Wolverine #145
0 stars

Wolverine #145

December 1999
"On the Edge of Darkness"
Script: Erik Larsen
Wolverine #148
Wolverine #148
2 stars

Wolverine #148

March 2000
"Same as It Never Was"
Script: Erik Larsen
This issue takes place during the Ages of Apocalypse crossover story and features a future version of the alternate Fantastic Four of Hulk, Wolverine, Spider-Man, and Ghost Rider originally featured in Fantastic Four Volume One 347-349. [...]


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