Comic Book: The X-Men (1963 series)

This is the flagship title for the renowned mutant team. This is their initial book (#1-141) and continues as “The Uncanny X-Men” from issue #142.

Data Sheet:
Sep 1963 to Jan 1981

Characters most frequently found in this comic book:
In order of appearances.


(Piotr Rasputin)

(Kurt Wagner)

(Ororo Munroe)
The X-Men #1
The X-Men #1

(Sep 1963)

Comics Index

Page: 2 of 3

Indexed Comics: 67

Comics sorted by date. Oldest shown first. Up to 25 comics per page. Page navigator at the bottom of the page.

The X-Men #100
5 stars

The X-Men #100

August 1976
"Greater Love Hath No X-Man..."
Script: Chris Claremont
At the end of last issue, the new X-Men came face to face with the original X-Men, as Steven Lang declares his victory and his plans for mutant extermination. A furious battle erupts as the original X-Men mean to kill the new ones. [...]
The X-Men #101
4.5 stars

The X-Men #101

October 1976
"Like a Phoenix, From the Ashes!"
Script: Chris Claremont
Last issue saw Jean Grey piloting the shuttle with her and the other X-Men back to earth, before being overcome by the solar radiation. [...]
The X-Men #102
4.5 stars

The X-Men #102

December 1976
"Who Will Stop the Juggernaut?"
Script: Chris Claremont
After being led into a trap at the end of last issue, the X-Men find themselves face to face with the unstoppable Juggernaut, as Storm suffers from a severe claustrophobia-induced panic attack! [...]
The X-Men #103
4 stars

The X-Men #103

February 1977
"The Fall of the Tower"
Script: Chris Claremont
After the rest of the X-Men were defeated and captured last issue, Nightcrawler was saved by some mysterious, small figures, as they make their way through the secret corridors with him. Nightcrawler awakes with a start and finds his saviors to be actual, honest to goodness leprechauns. [...]
The X-Men #104
4.5 stars

The X-Men #104

April 1977
"The Gentleman's Name is Magneto"
Script: Chris Claremont
This issue begins off the coast of Scotland, in the middle of the X-Men trying to broker a deal with a man named MacWhirter for use of his hovercraft boat. He refuses to lend it to them, having made his deal with Moira MacTaggert, not a bunch of costumed freaks. [...]
The X-Men #105
4 stars

The X-Men #105

June 1977
"Phoenix Unleashed!"
Script: Chris Claremont
After realizing that Erik the Red was after Professor Xavier last issue, the X-Men rushed home to find the villain at the Institute. The X-Men waste no time in attacking him, unaware that they are being watched by another. [...]
The X-Men #106
3 stars

The X-Men #106

August 1977
"Dark Shroud of the Past!"
Script: Chris Claremont
After the X-Men followed Erik the Red through the stargate portal last issue, Professor X was left to contend with a very angry Firelord. Xavier is suddenly overcome by his recent terrible dreams once more, the relief Lilandra brought with her presence now faded. [...]
The X-Men #107
4.5 stars

The X-Men #107

October 1977
"Where No X-Man Has Gone Before!"
Script: Chris Claremont
At the end of issue 105, Phoenix powered up the interdimensional stargate to allow the X-Men to follow Erik the Red. [...]
The X-Men #108
4.5 stars

The X-Men #108

December 1977
"Armageddon Now!"
Script: Chris Claremont
On the nameless alien world, the X-Men and the Starjammers have defeated the forces of Emperor D’Ken when suddenly the light from the nine mystic Deathstars struck the M’Krann Crystal causing the universe to blink out of existence for a second. Meanwhile, on Earth Dr. [...]
The X-Men #109
4 stars

The X-Men #109

February 1978
"Home Are the Heroes!"
Script: Chris Claremont
The X-Men are finally home after their harrowing adventure in space, where Charles Xavier invites Lilandra to make the school her home as well. Each of the X-Men go off to decompress in their own ways. [...]
The X-Men #110
4 stars

The X-Men #110

April 1978
"The "X"-Sanction!"
Script: Chris Claremont
This issue starts off with the X-Men playing a friendly game of baseball. After a bit of shenanigans, everyone decides to take a break and Moira MacTaggert goes to check on the phone repairman they’re expecting. [...]
The X-Men #111
4.5 stars

The X-Men #111

June 1978
Script: Chris Claremont
Our issue begins in the middle, in Sullivan County, Texas, where a bewildered Beast finds himself staring in disbelief at a traveling circus. Banshee is acting as the carnival barker and the rest of the X-Men are presented as freakshow attractions for the public to scoff and marvel at. [...]
The X-Men #112
5 stars

The X-Men #112

August 1978
"Magneto Triumphant!"
Script: Chris Claremont
Picking right up from last issue, the X-Men, after getting free of Mesmero’s brainwashing, have found themselves face to face with Magneto! Cyclops plans to try and regroup, to figure out what Magneto has up his sleeve. [...]
The X-Men #113
5 stars

The X-Men #113

September 1978
Script: Chris Claremont
This issue opens with Magneto invading an Australian Research Facility, easily taking care of his opposition. [...]
The X-Men #114
4.5 stars

The X-Men #114

October 1978
Script: Chris Claremont
After ending last issue face down in the freezing snow, Beast found the strength to keep moving, carrying Phoenix through the harsh Antarctica blizzard. He suddenly sees lights in the sky and realizes it’s a helicopter flying nearby. [...]
The X-Men #115
4 stars

The X-Men #115

November 1978
"Visions of Death!"
Script: Chris Claremont
Picking up right where last issue left off, Sauron holds the unconscious Storm, while promising that the rest of the X-Men will die next! This prompts Wolverine to attack Sauron, despite Cyclops’ warnings. [...]
The X-Men #116
4.5 stars

The X-Men #116

December 1978
"To Save the Savage Land"
Script: Chris Claremont
After discovering last issue that Garokk’s erected city was upsetting the ecological balance of the Savage Land, Ka-Zar leads the X-Men up a snowy mountain to get a better look at the fortress. [...]
The X-Men #117
5 stars

The X-Men #117

January 1979
"Psi War!"
Script: Chris Claremont
Picking up right from last issue, the X-Men find themselves navigating the Drake Passage, between Antarctica and South America, in the midst of the worst storm in a hundred years. Colossus tries rowing through the intense tides, while Wolverine and Nightcrawler wish there was more they could do. [...]
The X-Men #118
4 stars

The X-Men #118

February 1979
"The Submergence of Japan!"
Script: Chris Claremont
After being aboard the Jinguichi Maru, the Japanese ship that picked them up last issue, for six weeks, the X-Men arrive in Japan to discover that huge firestorms are spread out all over the city! [...]
The X-Men #119
4 stars

The X-Men #119

March 1979
"'Twas the Night Before Christmas..."
Script: Chris Claremont
The X-Men have been roped in to helping stop Moses Magnum from sinking Japan. Storm flies Nightcrawler above his island base, before Nightcrawler teleports to the top of the base. [...]
The X-Men #120
4 stars

The X-Men #120

April 1979
"Wanted: Wolverine! Dead or Alive!"
Script: Chris Claremont
Our story starts at the Canadian Ministry of Defense, where James Hudson, now called Vindicator, surveilles recent footage of the X-Men with the Canadian Prime Minster. [...]
The X-Men #121
4 stars

The X-Men #121

May 1979
"Shoot-Out at the Stampede!"
Script: Chris Claremont
The X-Men arrive at the Calgary Stampede, Calgary’s biggest recreational complex, and break the doors down. Shaman witnesses the X-Men arrive and sets up measures to prevent anyone else interfering. [...]
The X-Men #122
4.5 stars

The X-Men #122

June 1979
"Cry For the Children!"
Script: Chris Claremont
Our issue opens with Colossus struggling with a Danger Room test, pushing futilely against two metal walls closing in on him from either side. [...]
The X-Men #123
4.5 stars

The X-Men #123

July 1979
"Listen - Stop Me If You’ve Heard It - But This One Will Kill You!"
Script: Chris Claremont
Starting off on an expected note, we find Spider-Man swinging around New York, worrying about typical relationship woes. He then spots Scott Summers and Colleen Wing walking about and swings down to say hi. After a brief chat, Spidey swings off, passing a mysterious garbage truck. [...]
The X-Men #124
4.5 stars

The X-Men #124

August 1979
"He Only Laughs When I Hurt!"
Script: Chris Claremont
Following right from last issue, the X-Men have been trapped in Murderworld, while Arcade is having the time of his life! He revels in the fun, while the captured Colleen Wing admonishes him from the sidelines. After Colleen questions his sanity, Arcade details his backstory. [...]