Comic Book: Avengers (1963 series)

Earth's mightiest heroes--Thor, Iron Man, Wasp, Giant Man, and the newly-revived Captain America--came together as the Avengers to battle threats that no one of them could handle alone. Soon joined by Hawkeye, the Scarlet Witch, the Vision, She-Hulk, the Beast and many, many, many others, the name of the Avengers would pass into legend as the greatest hero team ever (at least for Marvel).

Data Sheet:
Sep 1963 to Oct 1996

Characters most frequently found in this comic book:
In order of appearances.

Captain America
Captain America

(Steven Rogers)
Scarlet Witch
Scarlet Witch

(Wanda Maximoff)
Iron Man
Iron Man

(Anthony Stark)
Avengers #1
Avengers #1

(Sep 1963)

Comics Index

Page: 1 of 14

Indexed Comics: 333

Comics sorted by date. Oldest shown first. Up to 25 comics per page. Page navigator at the bottom of the page.

Avengers #1
3 stars

Avengers #1

September 1963
"The Coming of the Avengers"
Script: Stan Lee
In exile, Loki, God of Mischief, plots to destroy Thor using the Hulk as his pawn. He tricks the Hulk into destroying a railroad bridge, leading to a manhunt for Jade Jaws. The Teen Brigades call for help is answered by Thor, Iron Man, Ant-Man and the Wasp who team up to capture Hulk. [...]
Avengers #2
3 stars

Avengers #2

November 1963
"The Space Phantom"
Script: Stan Lee
Hulk's antisocial personality causes friction within the new superhero team. Meanwhile an alien menace called the Space Phantom arrives on Earth determined to destroy the Avengers. [...]
Avengers #3
3 stars

Avengers #3

January 1964
"The Avengers Meet Sub-Mariner!"
Script: Stan Lee
The Avengers decide to search for the missing Hulk. Iron Man contacts other superheroes for assistance in locating the Green Giant but it's Rick Jones who realizes that Hulk would go back to his old stomping grounds in the Southwest. [...]
Avengers #4
4 stars

Avengers #4

March 1964
"Captain America Joins...The Avengers!"
Script: Stan Lee
Fleeing the Avengers after their confrontation last issue, the Sub-Mariner seeks refuge in the Arctic, where he finds a tribe of Eskimos worshipping a human figure frozen in a block of ice. [...]
Avengers #5
3 stars

Avengers #5

May 1964
"The Invasion of the Lava Men"
Script: Stan Lee
Sonic vibrations are causing destruction all over the world and the Avengers trace their source to the Southwest. Meanwhile, a new mountain is rising from the ground near the missile base and General Ross orders Bruce Banner to investigate it. [...]
Avengers #6
4 stars

Avengers #6

July 1964
"Masters of Evil!"
Script: Stan Lee
As the story opens Captain America is practicing with his improved shield after Iron Man has installed new magnetic transistors in it for greater control. [...]
Avengers #7
3 stars

Avengers #7

August 1964
"Their Darkest Hour!"
Script: Stan Lee
The story begins with Iron Man facing sanctions by his fellow Avengers, accused of dereliction of duty by failing to answer an Avengers alarm. He is found guilty and suspended from the team for one week. [...]
Avengers #8
3 stars

Avengers #8

September 1964
"Kang, the Conqueror!"
Script: Stan Lee
The Pentagon contacts the Avengers and calls them to Stark's Mansion for a meeting. On a secured channel, they learn of an alien invader landing in Virginia and agree to investigate. Once they arrive they are met by Kang, a time traveler from the year 3000. [...]
Avengers #9
3 stars

Avengers #9

October 1964
"The Coming of the ... Wonder Man!"
Script: Stan Lee
In issue #7, the Masters of Evil were sent into a space warp courtesy of Thor. Since that time, the trio have been trapped between the sixth and seventh dimensions. Baron Zemo's patience is at an end and demands that his partners work to escape their prison. [...]
Avengers #10
3 stars

Avengers #10

November 1964
"The Avengers Break Up!"
Script: Stan Lee
Baron Zemo, Executioner, and the Enchantress are contacted by the enigmatic Immortus of Limbo. He offers to help the Masters of Evil defeat the Avengers; Zemo accepts his offer. Immortus captures Rick Jones and transports him to the Tower of London in the year 1760. [...]
Avengers #11
3 stars

Avengers #11

December 1964
Script: Stan Lee
With the reported “death” of Tony Stark (Tales of Suspense #61), the Avengers agree to grant the absent Iron Man a temporary leave of absence. The Avengers are unaware that they are being monitored by the time-traveling Kang the Conqueror. [...]
Avengers #12
3 stars

Avengers #12

January 1965
"This Hostage Earth!"
Script: Stan Lee
Giant-Man calls an emergency meeting of the Avengers. He informs his teammates of an underground disturbance that his ants have discovered. Thor is insulted that he would be brought in for such a ludicrous request and leaves. [...]
Avengers #13
3 stars

Avengers #13

February 1965
"The Castle of Count Nefaria!"
Script: Stan Lee
The criminal organization known as the Maggia learn of another operation's failure due to the Avengers. The eccentric nobleman/Maggia leader Count Nefaria decides to eliminate the Avengers once and for all. [...]
Avengers #14
3 stars

Avengers #14

March 1965
"Even Avengers Can Die!"
Script: Larry Ivie
The Avengers rush Wasp to the nearest hospital. Giant-Man won't allow anyone but him to carry her. When they arrive, they discover that the Wasp has a punctured left lung. Further inspection reveals more serious damage than originally thought. Both lungs will collapse within 48 hours. [...]
Avengers #15
3 stars

Avengers #15

April 1965
"Now, By My Hand, Shall Die a Villain!"
Script: Stan Lee
Synopsis by Mark ToyBaron Zemo enlists the aid of The Executioner and Enchantress, who in turn break The Melter and Black Knight out of jail, to bring some hurt to the Avengers by kidnapping their teen assistant Rick Jones. [...]
Avengers #16
4 stars

Avengers #16

May 1965
"The Old Order Changeth!"
Script: Stan Lee
Synopsis by Rob Johnson The Avengers finish their battle with the Masters of Evil. Thor uses his hammer to transport himself, Iron Man, Giant Man and Wasp with Melter and Black Knight from New York to a barren world where they can capture the villains without endangering civilians. [...]
Avengers #17
3 stars

Avengers #17

June 1965
"Four Against The Minotaur"
Script: Stan Lee
With Thor, Iron Man, Giant-Man and Wasp having quit the Avengers (in the previous issue), Captain America finds himself the leader of a team of rookies--Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver. [...]
Avengers #18
3 stars

Avengers #18

July 1965
"When The Commissar Commands!"
Script: Stan Lee
Synopsis by Rob JohnsonThe giant Commissar of communist Sin-Cong is tired of his subjects preferring capitalism. He sends a message from a fake underground movement asking the Avengers to help them, intending to prove to his people that the Avengers are no match for him and his troops. [...]
Avengers #19
3 stars

Avengers #19

August 1965
"The Coming of the Swordsman"
Script: Stan Lee
Synopsis by Rob JohnsonThe Swordsman breaks in to Avengers Mansion to apply for membership (so he can use his Avengers ID for nefarious purposes). Captain America rejects him for his criminal background.Swordsman was a circus performer who trained young Clint Barton in archery. [...]
Avengers #20
3 stars

Avengers #20

September 1965
"Vengeance is ours"
Script: Stan Lee
Last issue, a bound Captain America jumped from a building to avoid the Swordsman using him as a hostage. As he expected, the other Avengers now use team-work to save his life. Avengers have Swordsman surrounded, when he is teleported away by the Mandarin. [...]
Avengers #21
4 stars

Avengers #21

October 1965
"The Bitter Taste of Defeat"
Script: Stan Lee
The Avengers continue their squabbling, although now it has boiled down mainly to Hawkeye challenging Captain America's leadership.Erik Josten was one of Baron Zemo's men in #15. He has remained injured in the Amazon jungle after the battle with Captain America. [...]
Avengers #22
4 stars

Avengers #22

November 1965
"The Road Back"
Script: Stan Lee
Last issue Enchantress and Power Man caused the Avengers to look like menaces, and they now have to disband. Before they split up they have one of their typical arguments, this time mainly due to Quicksilver's hotheadedness. [...]
Avengers #23
4 stars

Avengers #23

December 1965
"Once an Avenger..."
Script: Stan Lee
Last issue Captain America quit the Avengers. This issue sees him get a job as a sparring partner for a boxing champ, holding back so as not to show him up. [...]
Avengers #24
4 stars

Avengers #24

January 1966
"From the Ashes of Defeat..."
Script: Stan Lee
Last issue Kang took the Avengers to his future century, where he has conquered the whole galaxy apart from one kingdom, which he spared for love of Princess Ravonna. Now that she has refused to marry him, he has ordered his troops to attack. [...]
Avengers #25
4 stars

Avengers #25

February 1966
"Enter...Dr. Doom"
Dr Doom watches from his pocket kingdom of Latveria as the Avengers return from their adventure against Kang in the future. He reflects on his rivalry with Mr Fantastic, the only genius his equal. Except for Kang, whose future science makes him superior. [...]
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