
Comic Book: Avengers (2023 series)

What This Book is About:
An Avengers series following the long 1 where Avengers HQ was a dead Celestial. This 1 seems to heavily involve Kang The Conqueror.

Data Sheet:
May 2023 to ..?

Characters most frequently found in this comic book:
In order of appearances.

Iron Man
Iron Man

(Tony Stark)
Scarlet Witch
Scarlet Witch

(Wanda Maximoff)

Black Panther
Black Panther

Captain Marvel
Captain Marvel

(Carol Danvers)
Captain America
Captain America

(Sam Wilson)
Captain America
Captain America

(Steve Rogers)
Plus: Ashen Combine.
Avengers #1
Avengers #1

(May 2023)

Comics Index

Total Indexed Comics: 16

Comics sorted by date. Oldest shown first. Up to 25 comics per page. Page navigator at the bottom of the page.

Avengers #1
4 stars

Avengers #1

May 2023
"(no title given)"
Script: Jed MacKay
The issue starts with Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers) sitting on the Moon looking back at Earth and pondering why some heroes join the Avengers. She guesses that Tony Stark is haunted by his past and strives to have a net positive effect on the world. [...]
Avengers #2
4 stars

Avengers #2

June 2023
"(no title given)"
Script: Jed MacKay
In the 1st issue Terminus tried to get hold of Project PEGASUS' artificial black hole reactor. Captain Marvel's new Avengers team stopped him but the reactor was damaged. CM carried it into the sky as Scarlet Witch cast a spell which contained the explosion. [...]
Avengers #3
4 stars

Avengers #3

July 2023
"(no title given)"
Script: Jed MacKay
Kang The Conqueror was attacked by new villain Myrddin (in Timeless (2023)). He sought succour from the Avengers and in return warned them about the upcoming Tribulation Events. Now he can't tell them any more because he's in a coma but the 1st Event is here, the Impossible City now orbits Earth. [...]
Avengers #4
4 stars

Avengers #4

August 2023
"(no title given)"
Script: Jed MacKay
The Avengers are facing the 1st of the Tribulation Events predicted by Kang The Conqueror as the alien Ashen Combine attack 5 cities on Earth. [...]
Avengers #5
4 stars

Avengers #5

September 2023
"(no title given)"
Script: Jed MacKay
The Ashen Combine, the 1st Tribulation Event predicted by Kang, arrived in #3 and attacked 5 cities. 5 of the Avengers went to confront them while Black Panther and Captain America (Sam Wilson) headed for their huge orbiting spaceship base the Impossible City. [...]
Avengers #6
4 stars

Avengers #6

October 2023
"Citykillers part 4"
Script: Jed MacKay
The 1st of Kang's predicted Tribulation Events, the Ashen Combine, has arrived. [...]
Avengers #7
4 stars

Avengers #7

November 2023
"Twilight dreaming part 1"
Script: Jed MacKay
The Avengers have defeated the Ashen Combine, the 1st Tribulation Event predicted by Kang The Conqueror, and the villains' sentient orbiting Impossible City has agreed to be their new base.But now we seem to be in the middle (or rather near the end) of another crisis. [...]
Avengers #8
4 stars

Avengers #8

December 2023
"Twilight dreaming part 2"
Script: Jed MacKay
The issue opens in space with a view of the Glasshouse, a large spacecraft with what resembles a huge sword & scabbard pushed through it. This is the home of Myrddin and his Twilight Court. [...]
Avengers #9
4 stars

Avengers #9

January 2024
"Twilight dreaming part 3"
Script: Jed MacKay
The issue starts with a flash back to before #7. Captain Marvel chats to the Avengers' new orbiting base the Impossible City. She apologises for sending Black Panther and Captain America to 'kill' it in #4. [...]
Avengers #10
4 stars

Avengers #10

February 2024
"Twilight dreaming part 4"
Script: Jed MacKay
The Twilight Court have attacked the Avengers in their new orbiting base the Impossible City. But it's only a misdirection while their wizard boss Myrddin goes to kill Kang The Conqueror comatose in the med bay. [...]
Avengers #11
4 stars

Avengers #11

March 2024
"A grand tradition"
Script: Jed MacKay
We open with the Mad Thinker in a straight jacket in a padded cell telling someone he needed no excuse to attack the Avengers.In #3-6 the Avengers defeated the Ashen Combine, aliens who arrived in their Impossible City spacecraft. [...]
Avengers #12
4 stars

Avengers #12

April 2024
"Hit back"
Script: Jed MacKay
Last issue, in the middle of dealing with Mad Thinker's attack on their Impossible City orbiting base, Carol Danvers complained that they were frustrated waiting for Tony Stark's go ahead to attack Orchis who had driven most mutants off Earth and maybe killed many of them. [...]
Avengers #13
4 stars

Avengers #13

April 2024
"Hit back (part 2)"
Script: Jed MacKay
Last issue Iron Man told the Avengers that he and the X-Men were finally ready to confront Orchis so the team including him set out to raid various Orchis bases and send any mutants freed to their orbiting base the Impossible City. [...]
Avengers #14
4 stars

Avengers #14

May 2024
"Blood hunt part 1"
Script: Jed MacKay
In Blood Hunt #1 users of the Darkforce were used to cover the Earth in darkness, hiding the Sun, and the world was overrun by vampires. The regular Avengers were attacked by a group of super-vampires called the Bloodcoven. Black Panther and Thor were apparently killed and Scarlet Witch captured. [...]
Avengers #15
4 stars

Avengers #15

June 2024
"Blood hunt part 2"
Script: Jed MacKay
In the Blood Hunt event vampires have blocked out all sunlight and are overrunning the globe. [...]
Avengers #16
4 stars

Avengers #16

July 2024
"Blood hunt finale"
Script: Jed MacKay