Comic Book: Captain America: The End
What This Comic Book is About:
The final Captain America story! Steve Rogers fights for survival in a post-apocalyptic wasteland populated by hordes of Red Skulls! Legendary writer/artist Erik Larsen (SPIDER-MAN, WOLVERINE, NOVA) returns to Marvel for an oversized last tale of Simon & Kirby’s American Hero!
Data Sheet:
Feb 2020 (one-shot)
Characters most frequently found in this comic book:
In order of appearances.
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February 2020"The End of Captain America!"
Script: Erik LarsenCaptain America is in a near-future world where a bioweapon of the Red
Skull’s devising got out of hand, transforming everyone into maniacal replicas
of the Red Skull linked by a hive mind that only wants to create a new world
order. [...]