Comic Book: The Defenders (2001 series)

12 issues

Data Sheet:
Mar 2001 to Feb 2002

Characters most frequently found in this comic book:
In order of appearances.

Doctor Strange
Doctor Strange

(Dr Strange)

(Bruce Banner)
Defenders, The #1
Defenders, The #1

(Mar 2001)

Comics Index

Indexed Comics: 12

Comics sorted by cover date. Oldest shown first. Up to 25 comics per page. Page navigator at the bottom of the page.

Defenders, The #1
Defenders, The #1
5 stars

Defenders, The #1

March 2001
"Once More, The End Of The World..."
Script: Kurt Busiek
Patsy Walker, a.k.a. Hellcat feels sorry for a homeless guy barely living on the streets. She aids him to a restaurant, but the man was Yandroth, a deadly enemy of the Defenders! Empowered after dining, he knocks Hellcat out, kidnaps her and locks her at a lighthouse in Maine. [...]
Defenders, The #2
Defenders, The #2
3 stars

Defenders, The #2

April 2001
"The Curse"
Script: Kurt Busiek
Namor is set to battle Attuma over the Atlantean throne when Yandroth’s curse, bringing the Defenders together when Earth is threatened, plucks him from the battle. [...]
Defenders, The #3
Defenders, The #3
3 stars

Defenders, The #3

May 2001
"The Armies Of The Slain"
Script: Kurt Busiek
Several months ago, Pluto, the Olympian Lord of the Darkness, visited the Ice Queen in Asgard, looking to revive the Valkyrie. Now, he is using the Asgardian female warrior to channel his energies to uproot the dead in his quest to conquer the Earth. [...]
Defenders, The #4
Defenders, The #4
2 stars

Defenders, The #4

June 2001
"Ride of the Valkyrie"
Script: Kurt Busiek
The Defenders are fighting the dead, while Pluto and Lorelei are dueling over Valkyrie (whom we learn later really is Valkyrie II), when the Valkyrior (“the Asgardian Choosers of the Slain”) shows up, led by Valkyrie as Brunnhilde. [...]
Defenders, The #5
Defenders, The #5
2 stars

Defenders, The #5

July 2001
Script: Kurt Busiek
After the events of the last issue, the Defenders go their separate ways. Namor departs, determined to end his affiliation with the Defenders. Doctor Strange sends Hellcat, Valkyrie (Samantha Perrington), and Nighthawk away so he may work on Yandroth’s curse. [...]
Defenders, The #6
Defenders, The #6
5 stars

Defenders, The #6

August 2001
"Rumble In The Sky"
Script: Kurt Busiek
The Bi-Beast welcomes Hulk, Doctor Strange and Namor to his floating island. Hulk attacks him, but the Bi-Beast hits him out of the island. The curse brings the Hulk back, and the fight continues. [...]
Defenders, The #7
Defenders, The #7
5 stars

Defenders, The #7

September 2001
"Fire Above, Thunder Below"
Script: Kurt Busiek
Hulk, Doctor Strange, Namor, Valkyrie (Samantha Parrington), Nighthawk, and the Red Raven look astonished as the Wayfinder and the Dark Gods enter their dimension through a portal opened by the recent explosion. [...]
Defenders, The #8
Defenders, The #8
5 stars

Defenders, The #8

October 2001
"Day of the Great Ones"
Script: Kurt Busiek
Hulk, Doctor Strange and the Sub-Mariner show up in Trellnax-3, an exo planet where the Silver Surfer was last seen. Disguised with a spell, the Defenders walk the area looking for the cosmic voyager and enter a tavern. Hulk sees Toad Men and starts a brawl. [...]
Defenders, The #9
Defenders, The #9
5 stars

Defenders, The #9

November 2001
"While You Were Out..."
Script: Kurt Busiek
The Headmen use a relic to release Orrgo, a god trapped a millennium under New York city. This formidable monster can cause extensive damage and control the minds of people. He can’t subdue those who touched the relic, though. [...]
Defenders, The #10
Defenders, The #10
5 stars

Defenders, The #10

December 2001
"Head to Head"
Script: Kurt Busiek
Hulk, Doctor Strange, the Sub-Mariner, and the Silver Surferentire group return to Earth to aid his teammates save the Earth from Orrgo. The magician extends the relic protection to the entire group. Their foe materializes a supervillain team against them. [...]
Defenders, The #11
Defenders, The #11
5 stars

Defenders, The #11

January 2002
Script: Kurt Busiek
This time, the Defenders aid Atlantis to get rid of the usurpers. The Sub-Mariner sides by the Savage Hulk, Doctor Strange, the Silver Surfer, Valkyrie (Samantha Parrington), Nighthawk and Hellcat against Attuma, Orka, Tiger Shark, Sea Urchin, Piranha and Nagala. [...]
Defenders, The #12
Defenders, The #12
4 stars

Defenders, The #12

February 2002
"Silent But Deadly"
Script: Erik Larsen
Silent Month issue. The curse brings the Defenders, Hulk, Doctor Strange, Silver Surfer and the Sub-Mariner to a place in Earth where that knows of no sound. This makes it difficult to explain to the Hulk the great danger the planet is under once again. [...]


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