Comic Book: Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme (1988 series)

Third Doctor Strange main volume, now with Sorcerer Supreme in the name.

Data Sheet:
Nov 1988 to Jun 1996

Characters most frequently found in this comic book:
In order of appearances.

Doctor Strange
Doctor Strange

(Dr Strange)
Silver Surfer
Silver Surfer

(Norrin Radd)
Plus: Rintrah.

Comics Index

Indexed Comics: 18

Comics sorted by cover date. Oldest shown first. Up to 25 comics per page. Page navigator at the bottom of the page.

Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #31
Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #31
4 stars

Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #31

July 1991
"A gauntlet hurled"
Script: Roy Thomas
In Infinity Gauntlet #1 Silver Surfer crashed through the famous roof window of Dr Strange's Sanctum Sanctorum and collapsed from the effort of getting there. [...]
Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #32
Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #32
4 stars

Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #32

August 1991
"Silver-tongued devil"
Script: Roy Thomas
In Infinity Gauntlet #1 Thanos made half the population of the universe (including of Earth) disappear. Then earthquakes rocked Earth in IG#2, and Adam Warlock claimed that was the Mad Titan's doing too. [...]
Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #33
Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #33
4 stars

Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #33

September 1991
"The Alexandria quatrain"
Script: Roy Thomas
In Dr Strange's Greenwich Village Sanctum Pip The Troll is fed up hanging with around watching Doc in a mystic trance with no-one to talk to because he's sent Doc's assistant Rintrah to get some beers. So he starts talking to himself, helpfully bringing us up to speed. [...]
Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #34
Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #34
4 stars

Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #34

October 1991
"Is there a Doctor not in the house?"
Script: Roy Thomas
New York's suffering a blizzard in August (because Thanos' temper tantrum in Infinity Gauntlet #2 changed Earth's orbit and started an Ice Age). [...]
Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #35
Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #35
4 stars

Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #35

November 1991
"To Hela and back"
Script: Roy Thomas
Last issue saw Dr Strange locating heroes who weren't actually killed by Thanos in Infinity Gauntlet #4. He retrieved the glass shards that Thor was reduced to. He also saved Scarlet Witch and tasked her and Clea with figuring out how to recreate the Thunder God from them. [...]
Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #36
Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #36
4 stars

Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #36

December 1991
"Footnote to Infinity"
Script: Roy Thomas
The Infinity Gauntlet event is over and Dr Strange and friends are holding a celebratory party in his Greenwich Village house. [...]
Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #42
Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #42
4 stars

Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #42

June 1992
"Galactus, go home"
Script: Roy Thomas
In Infinity War #1 Dr Strange was surprised at home by a sudden blast of light. His protégé Rintrah is the only other 1 present, but Stephen Strange leaves him behind as he flies into the air to investigate what hit the building. [...]
Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #43
Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #43
4 stars

Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #43

July 1992
"An eye for an eye"
Script: Roy Thomas
Last issue Galactus (and his Herald Nova) abducted Dr Strange to help find out what happened to Eternity, but in the process rendered him unconscious. It ended with Silver Surfer turning up and (only partly) getting the wrong idea. [...]
Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #44
Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #44
4 stars

Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #44

August 1992
"The colour crimson"
Script: Roy Thomas
Dr Strange is surrounded and menaced by sharp crystals. (They're supposed to be blood-red but they're not depicted that way.) We get a flashback as he remembers how he got in this position. [...]
Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #45
Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #45
4 stars

Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #45

September 1992
"Death's greatest hits"
Script: Roy Thomas
Dr Strange, Galactus, Nova (Frankie Raye) and Silver Surfer are in Big G's spherical spaceship getting very near to the target dimension where the energy they are tracking emanates from when they detect a cloaked craft following them (we know it's Dr Doom and Kang The Conqueror). [...]
Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #46
Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #46
4 stars

Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #46

October 1992
"Strange bedfellows"
Script: Roy Thomas
Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #47
Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #47
4 stars

Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #47

November 1992
"Strange bedfellows Part 2"
Script: Roy Thomas
Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #50
Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #50
3 stars

Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #50

February 1993
"The Heart of Darkness"
Script: Len Kaminski
The astral form of Doctor Strange appears in Brooklyn to summon Ghost Rider; at Pantheon Headquarters to call Professor Hulk; in deep space to enlist the Silver Surfer for an important mission. [...]
Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #54
Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #54
4 stars

Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #54

June 1993
"From here ... to there ... to Eternity"
Script: Roy Thomas
Dr Strange senses that there is yet a 3rd act to be added to the Infinity Gauntlet and Infinity War events, and he asks the Orb Of Agamotto to show him the source of his unease. [...]
Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #55
Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #55
4 stars

Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #55

July 1993
"World enough, and time ..."
Script: Roy Thomas
Dr Strange is in the crowd of followers of the Goddess on Paradise Omega planet as she enters the cosmic egg she has created from 30 Cosmic Cubes and descends into the bowels of the planet (in Infinity Crusade #2). [...]
Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #56
Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #56
4 stars

Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #56

August 1993
"Blood relations"
Script: Roy Thomas
In the cathedral on Paradise Omega Dr Strange is allowing Moondragon and other followers of the Goddess to view (without sound) in the Orb Of Agamotto the gathering of heroes in Avengers Mansion. Heather Douglas leaves to mentally inform Goddess what they've seen, and the others follow her. [...]
Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #70
Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #70
3 stars

Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #70

October 1994
"Half Lives 1: Serendipity!"
Script: David Quinn
At Pantheon headquarters in the Nevada desert, “professor” Hulk is working on some extensive calculations on the computer when a sudden energy spike causes him to lose all his valuable data. The astral form of Dr. [...]
Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #71
Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #71
3 stars

Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #71

November 1994
"Half Lives 2: Body Slam!"
Script: David Quinn
On the beach near Rick Jones’ honeymoon cottage, the Hulk, possessed by Dr. Strange’s aetheric double “Stevens,” is engaged in battle with his counterpart “Strange.” The latter implores Rick to merge with him and give him the power to destroy the invading virus which is “Stevens” and free Hulk. [...]


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