Comic Book: Fantastic Four (2003 series)
What This Comic Book is About:
FF title after the 1998 run reverted to the original issue numbering.
Data Sheet:
Sep 2003 to Dec 2012
Characters most frequently found in this comic book:
In order of appearances.
Plus: Daredevil (
Danny Rand), Hank Pym (
Comics Index
Total Indexed Comics:
Comics sorted by date. Oldest shown first. Up to 25 comics per page. Page navigator at the bottom of the page.
July 2006"Decisions made"
Script: J. Michael StraczynskiAt the end of last issue we saw that Mad Thinker and Puppet Master have a plan to kill lots of heroes while they embroil them in a fight over some Superhero Registration Act prisoners being transported to jail. [...]
September 2006"Some words can never be taken back"
Script: J. Michael StraczynskiIn the Baxter Building Mr Fantastic is about to send Wildstreak through to the prison in the Negative Zone. He needs to attune the containment field to her specific powers. Suddenly an armoured guard gets too close to the field and shorts it - and Wildstreak escapes. [...]