Comic Book: Hulk / Pitt

A Marvel / Dale Keown production.

Data Sheet:
Jan 1997 (one-shot)

Characters most frequently found in this comic book:
In order of appearances.


(Robert Bruce Banner)
Hulk / Pitt #1
Hulk / Pitt #1

(Jan 1997)

Comics Index

Indexed Comics: 1

Comics sorted by date. Oldest shown first. Up to 25 comics per page. Page navigator at the bottom of the page.

Hulk / Pitt #1
3 stars

Hulk / Pitt #1

January 1997
"Reality Check"
Script: Peter David
In ancient times Pitt is the leader of a tribe. Hulk appears from nowhere challenging Pitt. They collide causing a nearby volcano to erupt, engulfing everything including a little boy (Timmy).Presently, near Pittsdale varsity lays an orphanage. [...]
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