
Comic Book: Hulk Annual (2023 series)

What This Book is About:
Special closing out the HULK (2021 series) and leading into INCREDIBLE HULK (2023 series).

Data Sheet:
May 2023 (one-shot)

Characters most frequently found in this comic book:
In order of appearances.

Bruce Banner
Bruce Banner

(Robert Bruce Banner)

(Bruce Banner)
Hulk Annual #1
Hulk Annual #1

(May 2023)

Comics Index

Total Indexed Comics: 1

Comics sorted by date. Oldest shown first. Up to 25 comics per page. Page navigator at the bottom of the page.

Hulk Annual #1
3.5 stars

Hulk Annual #1

May 2023
"The Viridian Project"
Script: David Pepose
A team filming a documentary on the Hulk is introduced: director Rylend Grant, reporter Karla Fuentes, sound man Tony Donley, and cameraman Manny. A flash forward shows them underground, between some eerie figures and the Hulk…. [...]