Comic Book: The Incredible Hulk Annual (1976 series)

Numbering continues from Incredible Hulk (King Size Special) (1968) #4.

Data Sheet:
Oct 1976 to Oct 1994

Characters most frequently found in this comic book:
In order of appearances.


(Bruce Banner)
Betty Ross
Betty Ross

(Elizabeth Ross)
Doc Samson
Doc Samson

(Leonard Samson)
Rick Jones
Rick Jones

(Richard Milhouse Jones)

Comics Index

Indexed Comics: 22

Comics sorted by cover date. Oldest shown first. Up to 25 comics per page. Page navigator at the bottom of the page.

Incredible Hulk Annual, The #5
Incredible Hulk Annual, The #5
4 stars

Incredible Hulk Annual, The #5

October 1976
"And Six Shall Crush the Hulk!"
Script: Chris Claremont
This begins with the Hulk in the midst of a fight with Army soldiers outside of Fort Carson, Colorado. The Hulk heaves a tank in the soldiers' direction, but they continue to regroup and attack him. [...]
Incredible Hulk Annual, The #6
Incredible Hulk Annual, The #6
4 stars

Incredible Hulk Annual, The #6

November 1977
"Beware The Beehive!"
Script: David Kraft
A seeker robot materializes in Doctor Strange's mansion looking for the Master of the Mystic Arts. The Hulk who was in the mansion, believes the robot is a threat and attacks it. But the robot is able to defend itself well. [...]
Incredible Hulk Annual, The #7
Incredible Hulk Annual, The #7
4 stars

Incredible Hulk Annual, The #7

December 1978
"The Evil That Is Cast..."
Script: Roger Stern
Iceman and Angel are enjoying life at Angel's home when Master Mold Sentinel Supreme attacks them. The Sentinel defeats Iceman and puts him in a compartment. Angel flies away to Gamma base looking for the Hulk's help. [...]
Incredible Hulk Annual, The #8
Incredible Hulk Annual, The #8
4.5 stars

Incredible Hulk Annual, The #8

December 1979
Script: Roger Stern
This story follows Hulk #237 where Machine Man hypnotised the Hulk and sent him flying through the skies. Now, on a clear night in northeastern British Columbia, the green behemoth is plunging unconscious to the ground as a ball of flame! [...]
Incredible Hulk Annual, The #9
Incredible Hulk Annual, The #9
3 stars

Incredible Hulk Annual, The #9

September 1980
"A Game Of Monsters And Kings"
Script: Doug Moench
Our story opens on a group of wealthy bored industrialists I'll call "The Gotham Club" who set out to engage the Hulk in an effort to regain their former glory of "the war days". [...]
Incredible Hulk Annual, The #10
Incredible Hulk Annual, The #10
4 stars

Incredible Hulk Annual, The #10

September 1981
"Nothing Stops The Hulk!"
Script: Bill Mantlo
Bruce Banner wanders onto a US Air Force base. He’s a bit grumpy and turns into the Hulk who tears open the fence and enters. Once Hulk is spotted, Major Bingham at the Air Force Command base sounds a red alert. F-16 fighter jets start an assault on Hulk. [...]
Incredible Hulk Annual, The #11
Incredible Hulk Annual, The #11
4 stars

Incredible Hulk Annual, The #11

October 1982
"The Day The Earth Turned Green!"
Script: Bill Mantlo
Our story opens with Dr. Bruce Banner strapped securely, it seems by his own design, to a chair showing himself images of New York and water (under bridges, in water tunnels and fountains). [...]
Incredible Hulk Annual, The #12
Incredible Hulk Annual, The #12
5 stars

Incredible Hulk Annual, The #12

August 1983
"Amazing Grace"
Script: Bill Mantlo
Bruce Banner sits at a large telescope inspecting the stars and contemplating how he now has his mind in the body of the Hulk. The Gamma Scope, designed to detect gamma radiation in space, detects a green beam from which a green skinned female descends. [...]
Incredible Hulk Annual, The #13
Incredible Hulk Annual, The #13
5 stars

Incredible Hulk Annual, The #13

November 1984
Script: Bill Mantlo
After being defeated by a giant hervibore saurian in a hostile planet, the Hulk returns to the Crossroads and chooses another planet where he could find food. Unfortunately all that he eats is poisonous to him until the spinal cord of an animal the Hulk just killed attaches to his back. [...]
Incredible Hulk Annual, The #14
Incredible Hulk Annual, The #14
4 stars

Incredible Hulk Annual, The #14

December 1985
"The Weakness Of The Flesh!"
Script: John Byrne
The Hulk is captured by three individuals: Hubert St. Johns, Dr. Nancy Kelloway, and Professor Daniel Kortz. They draw blood from the Hulk to use it on Hubert. Kelloway becomes upset with the poor treatment of the Hulk. So Kortz decides to distance her away from the project. [...]
Incredible Hulk Annual, The #15
Incredible Hulk Annual, The #15
4 stars

Incredible Hulk Annual, The #15

October 1986
"Body Double"
Script: Danny Fingeroth
The issue opens with Doctor Bruce Banner having just stole access to Doc Samson's newly rebuilt Nutrient bath located deep in the bowels of Gamma Base. The nutrient bath had originally been built to cure Banner of becoming the Hulk. [...]
Incredible Hulk Annual, The #16
Incredible Hulk Annual, The #16
4 stars

Incredible Hulk Annual, The #16

June 1990
"Lifeform Pt. : Quality Of Mercy"
Script: Peter David
Note: Continued from Daredevil Annual #6 The story opens with a normal George Prufrock (the host of the Lifeform virus) talking to an unidentified audience off-panel. He begins to describe his recent encounter with the Hulk. [...]
Incredible Hulk Annual, The #17
Incredible Hulk Annual, The #17
3 stars

Incredible Hulk Annual, The #17

August 1991
"Vicious Cycle"
Script: Peter David
A kid goes up to his father and asks him to tell him the story of the monster again. The father tells his kid that the Gamma Bomb was going to be tested but a scientist named Bruce Banner went into ground zero to save a teen named Rick Jones. [...]
Incredible Hulk Annual, The #18
Incredible Hulk Annual, The #18
3 stars

Incredible Hulk Annual, The #18

September 1992
"Four On The Floor"
Script: Peter David
Lucian Aster has released a book called "Spelling Made Easy". He's selling it as a book of necromancy for the layman. In a mall in Reno, a demon goes on a rampage. Rick Jones is there with Marlo Chandler and the Hulk. [...]
Incredible Hulk Annual, The #19
Incredible Hulk Annual, The #19
3 stars

Incredible Hulk Annual, The #19

September 1993
"Dead Man's Hand"
Script: Peter David
Hector recounts to Hulk / Banner a battle he recently had with a yet unknown enemy called "Lazarus". During the battle, Lazarus told Hector to stop doing business with Hunter Technologies. The Hulk conspires with Jack Cameron of Hunter Technologies to set a trap for Lazarus; Ulysses is the bait. [...]
Incredible Hulk Annual, The #20
Incredible Hulk Annual, The #20
3 stars

Incredible Hulk Annual, The #20

September 1994
"Story Time"
Script: Peter David
A large man saves a woman named Sandy from a group of "nasty types" in Central Park. She is not pleased. Sandy has been hanging out every night for the last couple weeks in the park hoping to get attacked. She tells the large man (she doesn't know who he is yet - he's disguised) her story. [...]
Incredible Hulk Annual, The #21
Incredible Hulk Annual, The #21
4 stars

Incredible Hulk Annual, The #21

September 1997
"Sins Of The Father"
Script: Chris Cooper
The Pantheon finds a kid who could be Bruce Banner's son and contacts Doc Samson immediately. Gladiator and Oracle attack the Mount looking for the kid they call a "Changeling", accusing it for crimes of the past. Janis and the Hulk appear and a battle starts. [...]
Incredible Hulk Annual, The #22
Incredible Hulk Annual, The #22
5 stars

Incredible Hulk Annual, The #22

August 1998
Script: Chris Cooper
Blaming for his wife's death (Betty Ross), Bruce Banner puts a gun on his head. He fails to shoot himself, but the boat he was in sinks and carries him down. Before turning into the Hulk, Banner exhalates the air left in his lungs. [...]
Incredible Hulk Annual, The #23
Incredible Hulk Annual, The #23
3 stars

Incredible Hulk Annual, The #23

September 1998
"X-Man / Hulk: Call Of The Wild"
Script: Terry Kavanagh
Nate Grey has recently lost his telepathic powers and is experiencing the world without his mind reading abilities. He is very hungry and tired. At a Dallas hospital, Rick Jones is making a recovery from the Hulk's blow also recently dealt to him. Bruce is mourning the death of his wife. [...]
Incredible Hulk Annual, The #24
Incredible Hulk Annual, The #24
3 stars

Incredible Hulk Annual, The #24

September 1999
"Birth Of A Monster"
Script: John Byrne
This Hulk annual is retells the birth of the incredible Hulk in a very different way. [...]
Incredible Hulk Annual, The #25
Incredible Hulk Annual, The #25
2 stars

Incredible Hulk Annual, The #25

September 2000
"Basic Instinct"
Script: Bruce Jones
In the Nevada desert that saw his birth, the Hulk remembers his origin, his parents, the loss of Betty Ross, and screams out loud to the lonely night with tears in his eyes. He then starts leaping towards New York, where the She-Hulk resides (she's an Avenger). [...]
Incredible Hulk Annual, The #26
Incredible Hulk Annual, The #26
3 stars

Incredible Hulk Annual, The #26

September 2001
"The Hammer Strikes"
Script: Erik Larsen
The Hulk is attacked by Fialan (seemingly died in TIH #148), Mandroids and the US armed forces. But Jade Jaws defeats them all, and leaves the city in ruins. Fighter planes follow the Hulk, and Thor shows up before the Gamma spawned Man-Monster can destroy them. [...]


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