Comic Book: Infinity Countdown Prime

What This Comic Book is About:
1-shot introducing the players in the Infinity Countdown series. Follows on from the legacy Guardians of the Galaxy series and IC: Adam Warlock.

Data Sheet:
Feb 2018 (one-shot)

Characters most frequently found in this comic book:
In order of appearances.

Captain Marvel
Captain Marvel

(Carol Danvers)
Plus: Chitauri, Contemplator (Tath Ki), Fraternity of Raptors.

Comics Index

Total Indexed Comics: 1

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Infinity Countdown Prime #1
4 stars

Infinity Countdown Prime #1

February 2018
"(no title given)"
Script: Gerry Duggan
This is the 2nd issue in the Infinity Countdown sequence continuing from IC: ADAM WARLOCK.The IC sequence continues the storyline from GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY #150. [...]