Comic Book: Ironheart

What This Comic Book is About:
Riri Williams' 1st series under her own name, after starring in the 2017 Iron Man series.

Data Sheet:
Nov 2018 to ..?

Characters most frequently found in this comic book:
In order of appearances.


(Riri Williams)
Plus: Natalie AI, Midnight's Fire, Xavier King, Eclipse, Black Panther (Shuri), Silhouette, Daija Hamilton, Okoye, Dune.
Ironheart #1
Ironheart #1

(Nov 2018)

Comics Index

Total Indexed Comics: 12

Comics sorted by date. Oldest shown first. Up to 25 comics per page. Page navigator at the bottom of the page.

Ironheart #1
4 stars

Ironheart #1

November 2018
"(no title given)"
Script: Eve L Ewing
Riri Williams flies around the world in her Ironheart armour marvelling that she's a superhero and can do this. She remembers how her dad died before she was born and she was raised by her mom and stepdad as a young black girl in Chicago who precociously tinkered with machinery in the garage. [...]
Ironheart #2
4 stars

Ironheart #2

January 2019
"(no title given)"
Script: Eve L Ewing
We begin with a flashback to 5 years ago when extra-bright Riri Williams has started High School in Chicago several years early. 1 morning she finds her locker won't open to let her get her books out and now she's late for class. [...]
Ironheart #3
4 stars

Ironheart #3

February 2019
"(no title given)"
Script: Eve L Ewing
2 years ago Riri Williams graduated from High School in Chicago (a few years early). She already has the pennant signifying her acceptance at MIT. Her older friend Daija Hamilton is there to congratulate her. [...]
Ironheart #4
4 stars

Ironheart #4

March 2019
"(no title given)"
Script: Eve L Ewing
Ironheart is having a VR sparring session in her mom's basement when she gets a call from the Dean of MIT asking where she is. He's in her lab with another load of donors and trustees who want to see the college's prize pupil. She gives him a garbled excuse and cuts him off.Mrs. [...]
Ironheart #5
4 stars

Ironheart #5

April 2019
"(no title given)"
Script: Eve L Ewing
Riri Williams is at home in Chicago in her garage workshop. She's not at MIT because she's trying to help her friend Daija Hamilton who's got mixed up with some bad people. [...]
Ironheart #6
4 stars

Ironheart #6

May 2019
"(no title given)"
Script: Eve L Ewing
The issue opens with an injured Ironheart and unconscious Spider-Man (Miles Morales) in a scene of forest devastation with snow and also flickering flames. Then it backtracks to explain how they got there.Ms. [...]
Ironheart #7
4 stars

Ironheart #7

June 2019
"(no title given)"
Script: Eve L Ewing
Fellow Champions member and teen female scientist Wasp (Nadia van Dyne) has come to Chicago to see Riri Williams' new lab. (At least I think they're still Champions though neither of them have been in the comic lately.) Riri's friend Xavier King drops in with pizza. [...]
Ironheart #8
4 stars

Ironheart #8

July 2019
"(no title given)"
Script: Eve L Ewing
Wasp (Nadia van Dyne) came to visit Ironheart last issue, and they and Riri Williams' friend Xavier King wound up fighting a plague of zombies. It turned out that the invasion was caused by a new mystical villainess named Eclipse. [...]
Ironheart #9
4 stars

Ironheart #9

August 2019
"(no title given)"
Script: Eve L Ewing
Riri Williams contacts Tony Stark for the 1st time in ages, and it seems he's been an absentee mentor too. [...]
Ironheart #10
4 stars

Ironheart #10

September 2019
"The enemy within"
Script: Eve L Ewing
Riri Williams contacts her friend Xavier King to let him know what's happening in Wakanda. She enthuses about the wi-fi speed and other tech like the multifunctional Kimoyo Beads. But Xavier wants to know about the food in Wakanda and stuff like that. [...]
Ironheart #11
4 stars

Ironheart #11

October 2019
"(no title given)"
Script: Eve L Ewing
We start with a flashback memory to when Riri Williams was *very* much younger but she was already mechanically-minded. Her mother has hidden the welding goggles she needs to finish work on a hydraulic skeleton in order to get the little girl to play outside. [...]
Ironheart #12
4 stars

Ironheart #12

November 2019
"(no title given)"
Script: Eve L Ewing
Ironheart, Okoye, Shuri and Silhouette are trying to stop the Ten Rings group from controlling the Wellspring Of Power in Wakanda. However Riri Williams has discovered that 1 of the Rings is her father Demetrius who was supposedly killed before she was born. She's just confronted him with the fact . [...]