Comic Book: Punisher (2018 series)

The Marvel Legacy series of Punisher starting with #218.

Data Sheet:
Jan 2018 to Jul 2018

Characters most frequently found in this comic book:
In order of appearances.

Captain Marvel
Captain Marvel

(Carol Danvers)
Black Widow
Black Widow

(Natasha Romanoff)
Plus: War Machine (Frank Castle), Nick Fury Jr. (Marcus Johnson).
Punisher #218
Punisher #218

(Nov 2017)

Comics Index

Indexed Comics: 11

Comics sorted by date. Oldest shown first. Up to 25 comics per page. Page navigator at the bottom of the page.

Punisher #218
4 stars

Punisher #218

November 2017
"Punisher: War Machine part 1"
Script: Matthew Rosenberg
We begin in Red Hook, Brooklyn as Punisher interrupts a deal selling arms to Chernayans by sending them the head of a guard with a grenade in his mouth. He drops a very large crate on the dealers and finishes off the buyers by blowing up their ship. [...]
Punisher #219
4 stars

Punisher #219

December 2017
"Punisher: War Machine part 2"
Script: Matthew Rosenberg
Last issue Nick Fury Jr told Punisher how to get hold of the War Machine armour and asked him to go on a mission to Chernaya to get rid of the military coup led by General Petrov.Some of Petrov's soldiers turn up at a lonely farm to claim it for the new People's Republic. [...]
Punisher #220
4 stars

Punisher #220

January 2018
"Punisher: War Machine part 3"
Script: Matthew Rosenberg
Punisher has been sent by Nick Fury Jr to Chernaya to oppose the military dictatorship of General Petrov. Fury provided him with the War Machine armour to help him achieve his goal. Fury's agenda was that the regime was being supported by the local S.H.I.E.L.D. [...]
Punisher #221
4 stars

Punisher #221

February 2018
"Punisher: War Machine part 4"
Script: Matthew Rosenberg
Nick Fury Jr has given Punisher the War Machine armour so he can overthrow the military coup led by Gen'l Petrov that has taken over Chernaya. Fury has his own reason for wanting this. He had set up a SHIELD base in the country. [...]
Punisher #222
4 stars

Punisher #222

March 2018
"Punisher: War Machine part 5"
Script: Matthew Rosenberg
OK, Nick Fury Jr. has given the War Machine armour to Frank Castle to go to Chernaya to depose General Petrov, leader of a military coup. Fury's own agenda is that when S.H.I.E.L.D. was disbanded (after Secret Empire) the local Agents went rogue and aided Petrov in his coup. [...]
Punisher #223
4 stars

Punisher #223

April 2018
"Punisher: War Machine part 6"
Script: Matthew Rosenberg
Nick Fury Jr. gave Punisher the War Machine armour and sent him to Chernaya where General Petrov had staged a military coup with the help of rogue ex-S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents. Now he's regretting it because the situation has escalated and Frank Castle won't stand down. [...]
Punisher #224
4 stars

Punisher #224

May 2018
"Punisher: war criminal part 1"
Script: Matthew Rosenberg
In the 1st arc in this Legacy series Nick Fury Jr gave Punisher the War Machine armour and told him to take down the military dictator of Chernaya. Well, Frank Castle did that - but he didn't give the armour back. He's got better uses for it back in New York. [...]
Punisher #225
4 stars

Punisher #225

May 2018
"Punisher: war criminal part 2"
Script: Matthew Rosenberg
Punisher is using the War Machine armour in his war against criminals .(Nick Fury Jr lent it to him for a job and he didn't give it back. [...]
Punisher #226
4 stars

Punisher #226

June 2018
"Punisher: war criminal part 3"
Script: Matthew Rosenberg
Punisher has the War Machine armour and he intends to use it to make amends for siding with Hydra during Secret Empire. He's currently invading CIA HQ to get information on where the Hydra leaders are hiding. [...]
Punisher #227
4 stars

Punisher #227

July 2018
"Punisher: war criminal part 4"
Script: Matthew Rosenberg
Last issue Black Widow and Winter Soldier joined Punisher in his war against Hydra. Now they are in an empty diner where Frank Castle is as usual trying to fix his battered War Machine armour. The manager sends a young 'waiter' to tell them to leave. [...]
Punisher #228
0 stars

Punisher #228

July 2018
"Punisher: war criminal part 5"
Script: Matthew Rosenberg
Punisher has the War Machine armour and Iron Man wants it back.They are currently at the secret prison where Frank Castle and his allies Black Widow and Winter Soldier have come to stop Hydra liberating their Supreme Commander, the evil version of Captain America from Secret Empire. [...]
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