Comic Book: Sentinel Squad O*N*E

What This Comic Book is About:
James Rhodes trains a team of human-piloted Sentinel robots.

Data Sheet:
Mar 2006 to Jul 2006

Characters most frequently found in this comic book:
In order of appearances.

James Rhodes
James Rhodes

Plus: Alexander Lexington, Emil Winston, Jake Slayton, Meld, Nathaniel Briggs, Rajani Dhama, General Lazer, Tracy Skylark, Valerie Cooper.

Comics Index

Total Indexed Comics: 5

Comics sorted by date. Oldest shown first. Up to 25 comics per page. Page navigator at the bottom of the page.

Sentinel Squad O*N*E #1
4 stars

Sentinel Squad O*N*E #1

January 2006
"Tin can heroes, part 1: Machine-manned"
Script: John Layman
Valerie Cooper shows some US Senators 3 large Sentinels fighting the Hulk. They have been despatched by the Office of National Emergency because the Avengers are disbanded and the Fantastic Four are away somewhere. [...]
Sentinel Squad O*N*E #2
4 stars

Sentinel Squad O*N*E #2

February 2006
"Tin can heroes, part 2: Growing pains"
Script: John Layman
Alex Lexington's Sentinel takes down Galactus with a couple of blasts and breaking his neck (as if!). All the while James Rhodes is kibitzing from his man-sized armour (even after Lex swats him like a fly). But Lex forgot about the Silver Surfer, who destroys the Sentinel and kills him. [...]
Sentinel Squad O*N*E #3
4 stars

Sentinel Squad O*N*E #3

March 2006
"Tin can heroes, part 3: Savagery"
Script: John Layman
We finally get to see the mission to the Savage Land promised in #1. But James Rhodes has led a different team there, ending in disaster.Some Savage Land Mutates find the shattered Sentinels, and extract the living. 4-armed Barbarus picks up Rhodes and Amphibius takes Skylark. [...]
Sentinel Squad O*N*E #4
4 stars

Sentinel Squad O*N*E #4

April 2006
"Tin can heroes, part 4: A prehistory of violence"
Script: John Layman
In the advanced Mutate base in the Savage Land, Brainchild explains his plot to his captives James Rhodes and Tracy Skylark. He's increased the size, strength and ferocity of an army of dinosaurs (who look like T-Rexes). [...]
Sentinel Squad O*N*E #5
4 stars

Sentinel Squad O*N*E #5

May 2006
"Tin can heroes, part 5: Creep mission"
Script: John Layman