Comic Book: Super-Villain Team-Up (1975 series)

A superhero comic book featuring some of Marvel's greatest villains including Dr Doom, and the Red Skull.

Data Sheet:
Aug 1975 to Jun 1980

Characters most frequently found in this comic book:
In order of appearances.


(Hank McCoy)
Captain America
Captain America

(Steve Rogers)
Doctor Doom
Doctor Doom

(Dr Doom)

Comics Index

Indexed Comics: 17

Comics sorted by cover date. Oldest shown first. Up to 25 comics per page. Page navigator at the bottom of the page.

Super-Villain Team-Up #1
Super-Villain Team-Up #1
0 stars

Super-Villain Team-Up #1

August 1975
"Chapter Two: Frenzy on a Floating Fortress"
Script: Tony Isabella
Super-Villain Team-Up #2
Super-Villain Team-Up #2
0 stars

Super-Villain Team-Up #2

October 1975
"In the Midst of Life...!"
Script: Tony Isabella
Super-Villain Team-Up #3
Super-Villain Team-Up #3
0 stars

Super-Villain Team-Up #3

December 1975
"If Vengeance Fails!"
Script: Jim Shooter
Super-Villain Team-Up #4
Super-Villain Team-Up #4
0 stars

Super-Villain Team-Up #4

February 1976
"A Time of Titans"
Script: Bill Mantlo
Super-Villain Team-Up #5
Super-Villain Team-Up #5
0 stars

Super-Villain Team-Up #5

April 1976
""...And Be a Villain!""
Script: Steve Englehart
Super-Villain Team-Up #6
Super-Villain Team-Up #6
0 stars

Super-Villain Team-Up #6

June 1976
Script: Steve Englehart
Super-Villain Team-Up #7
Super-Villain Team-Up #7
0 stars

Super-Villain Team-Up #7

August 1976
"Who Is...the Shroud?"
Script: Steve Englehart
Super-Villain Team-Up #8
Super-Villain Team-Up #8
0 stars

Super-Villain Team-Up #8

October 1976
Script: Steve Englehart
Super-Villain Team-Up #9
Super-Villain Team-Up #9
4 stars

Super-Villain Team-Up #9

December 1976
"Pawns of Attuma"
Script: Bill Mantlo
Continued from AVENGERS #154. Attuma captured most of the Avengers in Av#154 and put slave collars on them. Now he's sending them to fight Sub-Mariner on Hydrobase. Iron Man is towing Captain America through the air. [...]
Super-Villain Team-Up #10
Super-Villain Team-Up #10
0 stars

Super-Villain Team-Up #10

February 1977
"The Sign of the Skull!"
Script: Bill Mantlo
Super-Villain Team-Up #11
Super-Villain Team-Up #11
0 stars

Super-Villain Team-Up #11

April 1977
"Chapter 3: My Ally, My Enemy!"
Script: Bill Mantlo
Super-Villain Team-Up #12
Super-Villain Team-Up #12
0 stars

Super-Villain Team-Up #12

June 1977
Script: Bill Mantlo
Super-Villain Team-Up #13
Super-Villain Team-Up #13
0 stars

Super-Villain Team-Up #13

August 1977
"When Walks the Warlord!"
Script: Bill Mantlo
Super-Villain Team-Up #14
Super-Villain Team-Up #14
4 stars

Super-Villain Team-Up #14

October 1977
"A World for the Winning!"
Script: Bill Mantlo
Magneto arrives in Latveria during a festival called by Doctor Doom to celebrate his triumph over the Red Skull; Magneto strikes against the guards trying to force him to be merry, ending by toppling a gigantic statue of Doom. [...]
Super-Villain Team-Up #15
Super-Villain Team-Up #15
0 stars

Super-Villain Team-Up #15

November 1978
"The Invaders!"
Script: Larry Lieber
Super-Villain Team-Up #16
Super-Villain Team-Up #16
0 stars

Super-Villain Team-Up #16

May 1979
"Shall I Call Thee Master?"
Script: Peter Gillis
Super-Villain Team-Up #17
Super-Villain Team-Up #17
0 stars

Super-Villain Team-Up #17

June 1980
"Dark Victory"
Script: Peter Gillis


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