
Comic Book: Warlock and the Infinity Watch

What This Book is About:
Info, covers and comics index about the Warlock and the Infinity Watch comic book.

Data Sheet:
Jan 1993 to Feb 1993

Characters most frequently found in this comic book:
In order of appearances.


(Drax the Destroyer)
Plus: Infinity Watch, Maxam, Count Abyss.

Comics Index

Page: 1 of 2

Total Indexed Comics: 42

Comics sorted by date. Oldest shown first. Up to 25 comics per page. Page navigator at the bottom of the page.

Warlock and the Infinity Watch #1
4 stars

Warlock and the Infinity Watch #1

February 1992
Script: Jim Starlin
This issue follows on immediately from Dr Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #36. At the end of the Infinity Gauntlet event Adam Warlock was left in possession of the Gauntlet with its 6 Infinity Gems. [...]
Warlock and the Infinity Watch #2
4.5 stars

Warlock and the Infinity Watch #2

March 1992
"Gathering the Watch"
Script: Jim Starlin
Last issue in the aftermath of the Infinity Gauntlet event Adam Warlock was put on trial by the Living Tribunal and other cosmic beings to see whether he was worthy to hold the Gauntlet. [...]
Warlock and the Infinity Watch #3
4 stars

Warlock and the Infinity Watch #3

April 1992
"High Evolutionary"
Script: Jim Starlin
In #1 Adam Warlock agreed to give up the Infinity Gauntlet and the god-like status it entailed. But he was allowed to distribute the 6 Infinity Gems between himself and 5 others. Last issue he formed the Infinity Watch. [...]
Warlock and the Infinity Watch #4
4 stars

Warlock and the Infinity Watch #4

May 1992
Script: Jim Starlin
Adam Warlock has gone to see his old mentor High Evolutionary but found that his mind has been blown by witnessing the birth of a Celestial. Also HE is being pursued across the Galaxy by some cyborg warriors who have arrived and just slaughtered his defending New Men. [...]
Warlock and the Infinity Watch #5
4 stars

Warlock and the Infinity Watch #5

June 1992
"Old foes"
Script: Jim Starlin
The 2 armoured beings who captured Drax The Destroyer, Gamora, Moondragon and Pip The Troll in the past 2 issues have them floating sedated in a liquid containment unit. [...]
Warlock and the Infinity Watch #6
4 stars

Warlock and the Infinity Watch #6

July 1992
"Revenge of the beast"
Script: Jim Starlin
The Man-Beast has sent dupes to kill the High Evolutionary and has kidnapped 4 of the bearers of the Infinity Gems (Drax The Destroyer, Gamora, Moondragon and Pip The Troll). Adam Warlock has saved the Evolutionary, defeated Man-Beast's automatons and his armoured aide Triax. [...]
Warlock and the Infinity Watch #7
4 stars

Warlock and the Infinity Watch #7

August 1992
"The island"
Script: Jim Starlin
Adam Warlock is dreaming his way through a semi-Ditko dimension trying to find his way back to Soul World (where he had found peace before being brought back to reality to face the reborn Thanos). [...]
Warlock and the Infinity Watch #8
3 stars

Warlock and the Infinity Watch #8

September 1992
Script: Jim Starlin
Thanos and the Infinity Watch are examining the Magus’ relay point on a deserted planet. The group must wait some time while Thanos recalibrates his scanners to trace the energies to their point of origin. [...]
Warlock and the Infinity Watch #9
4 stars

Warlock and the Infinity Watch #9

October 1992
"Old wounds"
Script: Jim Starlin
This issue stars Gamora without others of the Infinity Watch. It tells of what happened when Galactus sent her into the body of Eternity in Infinity War #5.The villainous Magus has put Eternity in a catatonic state. [...]
Warlock and the Infinity Watch #10
4 stars

Warlock and the Infinity Watch #10

November 1992
"Self-destructive tendencies"
Script: Jim Starlin
At the end of Infinity War #5 Thanos sent all the heroes off to fight their Doppelgangers as a detraction while he went to face Magus alone to stop him remaking the universe in his own image. But his way was blocked by his own duplicate and they began to fight. [...]
Warlock and the Infinity Watch #11
4 stars

Warlock and the Infinity Watch #11

December 1992
"The appeal"
Script: Jim Starlin
After the end of the Infinity War event Eternity has an audience with the Living Tribunal. After the Infinity Gauntlet event the Tribunal (in our #1) ordered Adam Warlock to give up all of the Infinity Gems except his Soul Gem. [...]
Warlock and the Infinity Watch #12
3 stars

Warlock and the Infinity Watch #12

January 1993
"Distant Memories"
Script: Jim Starlin
Warlock and the Infinity Watch #13
3 stars

Warlock and the Infinity Watch #13

February 1993
"Sweet Music"
Script: Jim Starlin
Professor Hulk and Drax battle through the streets of Reno, with the Destroyer easily knocking around Jade Jaws. Rather than let the situation get out of hand, Hulk uses a ruse against his foe: he surrenders, claiming that Drax has beaten him. [...]
Warlock and the Infinity Watch #14
4 stars

Warlock and the Infinity Watch #14

March 1993
"Strange encounters"
Script: Jim Starlin
The Infinity Watch is living in a castle given to them on Monster Isle by its monarch Mole Man. But although they helped stop Magus taking over the universe in the Infinity War event it left their leader Adam Warlock in a coma. [...]
Warlock and the Infinity Watch #15
4 stars

Warlock and the Infinity Watch #15

April 1993
Script: Jim Starlin
Adam Warlock has been in a coma since the end of Infinity War, but now Eternity seeks to wake him. However Adam doesn't want to, but he then appears on a slab (of ice?) floating on an ocean. Eternity says the slab is a bit of his ego and the ocean is the vastness of his soul. [...]
Warlock and the Infinity Watch #16
4 stars

Warlock and the Infinity Watch #16

May 1993
Script: Jim Starlin
It's recreation time. In their castle on Mole Man's Monster Island Pip is watching Drax' favourite cartoon ALF and Drax himself is being repeatedly beaten at checkers by a Moloid. Then shadow demons attack them. [...]
Warlock and the Infinity Watch #17
4 stars

Warlock and the Infinity Watch #17

June 1993
Script: Jim Starlin
Last issue a mysterious stranger appeared on Monster Island unconscious. But Gamora recognised him as the man from a vision she had (courtesy she believes of her Time Gem) which showed him standing over Adam Warlock's dead body. Her 1st instinct was to kill him before he wakes. [...]
Warlock and the Infinity Watch #18
4 stars

Warlock and the Infinity Watch #18

July 1993
"Power play"
Script: Jim Starlin
The Infinity Watch are testing their guest Maxam's strength. Moondragon is monitoring as he holds a metal plate over his head (Infinity Crusade #1 will show that the plate is very thick and Drax is on top of it). She measures him in the Hulk class. [...]
Warlock and the Infinity Watch #19
4 stars

Warlock and the Infinity Watch #19

August 1993
"True believers"
Script: Jim Starlin
In Avengers Mansion various heroes (including the Infinity Watch's guest Maxam) chase Pip The Troll of the Watch but he always manages to teleport away until Wolverine grabs him by the throat and threatens him with his claws. [...]
Warlock and the Infinity Watch #20
4 stars

Warlock and the Infinity Watch #20

September 1993
"Pip, king of the universe"
Script: Jim Starlin
At the end of Infinity Crusade #3 Pip The Troll teleported to the Cosmic Egg at the centre of Paradise Omega, the planet Goddess created on the far side of the Sun. [...]
Warlock and the Infinity Watch #21
4 stars

Warlock and the Infinity Watch #21

October 1993
"The god and the brute"
Script: Jim Starlin
This issue features Drax The Destroyer of the Infinity Watch in combat with Thor. Hulk was with him in Infinity Crusade #5 but his jetpack got broken and now he's falling towards Paradise Omega. [...]
Warlock and the Infinity Watch #22
4 stars

Warlock and the Infinity Watch #22

November 1993
Script: Jim Starlin
US Marine Captain Sylvester Hammer currently seconded to the UN is leading his troops in a 2nd attempt to take control of Monster Island. The 1st time (#14) they were routed by Gamora. This time they've got bigger firepower from SHIELD. [...]
Warlock and the Infinity Watch #23
4 stars

Warlock and the Infinity Watch #23

December 1993
Script: Jim Starlin
Story continued from WARLOCK CHRONICLES #6. [...]
Warlock and the Infinity Watch #24
4 stars

Warlock and the Infinity Watch #24

January 1994
Script: Jim Starlin
Story continued from WARLOCK CHRONICLES #7.In Warlock Chronicles #7 Adam Warlock and the Infinity Watch along with Dr Strange and Silver Surfer were on their way to Asgard to tell Odin that his son has gone violently mad. [...]
Warlock and the Infinity Watch #25
4 stars

Warlock and the Infinity Watch #25

February 1994
"Raid on Asgard"
Script: Jim Starlin
Continued from WARLOCK CHRONICLES #8. [...]