Synopsis by Mark Toy
Baron Zemo enlists the aid of The Executioner and Enchantress, who in turn break The Melter and Black Knight out of jail, to bring some hurt to the Avengers by kidnapping their teen assistant Rick Jones. While most of the Avengers battle the villains in New York, Captain America pursues Baron Zemo to his jungle lair, which results in a very deadly confrontation.
Synopsis by Kevin Hollander
Deep within the Amazon jungle, Baron Zemo decides that after months of inactivity, the time is right for revenge against the Avengers. He sends his henchmen to New York on a secret mission and contacts the Enchantress and the Executioner, telling them to prepare for his latest strike. They abduct Rick Jones and bring him aboard their custom jet despite the Avengers' efforts to stop them.
Iron Man secures the use of Tony Stark's XL-750 plane to follow the jet. Following Zemo's orders, the Enchantress, Executioner, and Melter attack the Avengers, separating Captain America from his teammates. While the other Avengers battle their assailants, Cap continues on their course to save Rick Jones.
Cap arrives at Zemo's Fortress in the Amazon and is immediately attacked. When Cap returns fire, he realizes that Rick has been placed in a clear dome in the line of fire. Cap ejects from the ship and parachutes down to free Rick, which is exactly what Zemo wanted.
As Zemo orders his henchmen to attack, Cap causes a rockslide, separating Zemo from his men. As Zemo aims his disintegration ray, Cap reflects the sunlight off his shield, blinding him. In desperation, Zemo fires blindly causing another rock slide that crushes him.